[閒聊] 道奇
Dodgers are working on a possible deal for James Paxton. Not done yet but a
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Glasnow 山本 Miller Sheehan Buehler 再加Paxton組6人
首Po拜託明天至少贏一場吧 季賽都能贏 季後至少掙扎一下吧 今年只要不一輪遊被費城或宇宙勇送走就功德圓滿了 --7
首Po單局被炸兩發 口憐 - 笑死 第三發2
首Po除了前三棒三連星,根本只有赫南德茲和Max Muncy能打,後面幾棒都看起來像廢棒 難怪季後賽投手不夠Cover的話就是被淘汰的命 --3
首Po竟然跟holoive合作 然後星街屑兔傻魚也都是藍色 沒想到北美業務才剛成立就直接開大的 --1
首Po打開電視差點把早餐吐出來 到底在衝三小= = ---- Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 Pro --3
首Po9上直接來一波 --37
首Po今天贏球50P*10 黑單跳過 --7
首Po是不是涼了 ---- Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 15 Pro Max --
[情報] Betts、Price去道奇,前田健太去雙城BREAKING: The Los Angeles Dodgers have agreed to a deal with the Boston Red So x that would send star outfielder Mookie Betts and starter David Price to the Dodgers, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Deal is pending medical rev iews.爆
[情報] Teoscar Hernández去道奇BREAKING: Outfielder Teoscar Hernández and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on a one-year, $23.5 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Herná ndez joins Shohei Ohtani, Yoshinobu Yamamoto and Tyler Glasnow on the new-look Dodgers, who add another All-Star bat to the lineup.爆
[情報] Betts、Price去道奇,前田健太去雙城BREAKING: The Los Angeles Dodgers have agreed to a deal with the Boston Red So x that would send star outfielder Mookie Betts and starter David Price to the Dodgers, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Deal is pending medical rev iews.97
[情報] 山本由伸去道奇 12年/3.25億Japanese star Yoshinobu Yamamoto and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on an 12-year, $325 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN 12年 太神啦88
[情報] Freddie Freeman去道奇 6年162MSources: Freddie Freeman and #Dodgers are finalizing a multiyear contract, as @JimBowdenGM reported earlier. Freeman has chosen to play in his native Southe rn California. @MLB @MLBNetwork 自由人Freddie Freeman確定選擇回家鄉去道奇打球了,正在敲定合約,根據之前的報導67
[情報] Pujols 去道奇Albert Pujols has a deal with the #Dodgers, per @jorgecastillo BREAKING: The Dodgers and future Hall of Famer Albert Pujols are in agreement26
[情報] Joey Gallo 被交易到道奇Joey Gallo possible for Dodgers, source says. Deal would be for Double A RHP C layton Beeter, per @ragazzoreport 據傳Gallo可能會去道奇 並換回AA投手 Clayton Beeter21
[情報] Justin Turner back to Dodgers 34M/2yThird baseman Justin Turner’s deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers is for two year 道奇確定簽回獅子丸Justin Turner,合約為兩年超過30M,這樣看來道奇今年的陣容應該也差不多了 Justin Turner deal with Dodgers, per source: Two years, $34M, with club option for third season. Includes $8M signing bonus.7
Re: [情報] 雙城退出Betts交易案?Twins now dealing directly with Dodgers and that part of mega deal seems pretty set, with Maeda still going to Minnesota and Graterol presumably going to LA. Dodgers are now mostly working with Red Sox to rejigger package for Betts. There’s certainly increased hope. #Mookie1
[炸裂] Max Muncy五局上炸裂兩分砲 本季第30轟 棒打James Paxton 道奇再度超前比分4:2 James Paxton隨之下場
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[分享] Thank You!呂詠臻9
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[開戰] 廣島vs火腿vs西武(only山川)對FA態度