Re: [心得] Franchy Cordero
西武正在跟Franchy Cordero洽談。
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[情報] 張育成被non-tenderThe Red Sox will non-tender Yu Chang. He is now a free agent. 不過應該還是有下一張合約吧? Yu Chang also non-tendered, per source. So him and Franchy Cordero.33
[情報] Aaron Judge 進10天傷兵名單Prior to tonight’s game, the Yankees made the following roster moves: ‧ Placed OF Aaron Judge on the 10-day injured list (retroactive to 4/28) with a right hip strain. ‧ Recalled INF/OF Franchy Cordero (#33) from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.25
[情報] Andrew Benintendi to RoyalsBenintendi dealt to Royals, pending approvals, medicals 紅襪把Benintendi交易到皇家 Sources: Mets, Red Sox and Royals in serious talks about a three-team trade. A ndrew Benintendi to KC.16
[情報] Aaron Judge 進入10天傷兵名單Prior to tonight’s game, the Yankees made the following roster moves: ‧ Placed OF Aaron Judge on the 10-day injured list (retroactive to 4/28) with a right hip strain. ‧ Recalled INF/OF Franchy Cordero (#33) from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.14
[分享] 今日 Franchy CorderoAB:4 R:1 H:1 RBI:3 BB:011
[情報] 教士、皇家發動交易twitter via @Kansas City Royals "We have acquired RHP Ronald Bolanos and OF Franchy Cordero from the San Diego Padres for LHP Tim Hill. #Royals" 教士出菜:新秀右投SP Ronald Bolanos + 左打外野 Franchy Cordero4
[炸裂] Franchy Cordero 再見GS水手紅襪10局下半4:4平手 一出局滿壘故事哥錯失當英雄的機會 輪到下一棒的Cordero結果一棒讓大家下班 這也是他本季首轟 終場紅襪8:4勝水手 完成系列賽橫掃4
[炸裂] Franchy Cordero腿了好久 沒人發 來發一下現場炸裂文 Franchy 炸了一發三分砲 直接打破1:1僵局4
[情報] 洋基簽下Franchy CorderoOutfielder Franchy Cordero and the New York Yankees are in agreement on a major league contract, sources tell ESPN. It’s a split deal that will pay $1 million in the big leagues and $180,000 in the minors. Barring another move, Cordero would be on the Yankees’ Opening Day roster. -per Jeff Passan @JeffPassan
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[開戰] 某網紅親戚律師25
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[閒聊] 賓士32
[閒聊] 感覺中職每隊都明顯進步4
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Re: [分享] Zac Lowther 2024成績19
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[閒聊] 日本15歲女生 球速131km/h43
[討論] 今年CPBL戰績有可能出現五強一弱嗎?2
[閒聊] 龍找洋炮中14
[閒聊] 已經有人不知道什麼是147特攻了10
[閒聊] AE竟然是今年NBA命中三分最多的人28
[閒聊] 有些命理師評論2025會出災難6
[閒聊] 柳演錫、蔡秀彬2
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[閒聊] 英雄日常-超商福袋有簽名球 我還不抽爆!24
[閒聊] CPBL洋投一直軍備競賽4
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[開戰] 台鋼1
[閒聊] 賓士哥認識的台灣球員會4誰1
[分享] 中信科大球衣