Re: [抱怨] 羨慕海盜狀元郎
It’s official: Paul Skenes and Olivia Dunne are dating.
Skenes, the No. 1 overall pick by the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 2023 MLB Draft,confirmed the rumored love affair during an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette this week.
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[情報] 海盜隊以920萬簽下選秀狀元Paul SkenesNo. 1 overall pick Paul Skenes signs w/@Pirates for $9.2 million (pick value = $ 9,721,000). Breaks @MLBDraft record of $8,416,300 (Torkelson, 2020). @LSUbasebal l RHP, ranks w/Strasburg as best Draft pitching prospect ever. Fastball up to 10 2 mph, wipeout upper-80s slider.52
[心得] 2023選秀 Mock Draft下週一選秀正式展開,今年來點不一樣的,用mock draft方式呈現前瞻 跟外國寫手寫mock不一樣,我沒有source,所以只能就現有資料試圖整合出較合理的結果 參考的資料大概有以下 1. 各大網站mock draft,比起結果,這些文章的內文價值更高,通常有可信度高的乳摸 (BA, MLB, KLaw, ESPN, PG, FSS...)31
[情報] 海盜選Paul Skenes為2023選秀狀元Sources: Pirates taking LSU pitcher Paul Skenes with the No. 1 overall pick. Top 5 五大新人 一如預料 海盜沒選Crews 但也沒有選擇Clark21
[分享] 海盜隊將選秀狀元Paul Skenes升上2A海盜隊今日宣布將2023選秀狀元Paul Skenes升上2A球隊Altoona Curve Skenes是第五位在Altoona亮相的海盜選秀狀元 最近的兩名選手分別是海盜隊外野手Henry Davis以及Gerrit Cole Skenes預計在美國東岸時間周六登板面對克里夫蘭守護者隊2A 有計畫要去看鄭宗哲的球迷朋友又多了一個觀戰焦點9
[情報] 海盜隊簽下狀元 Paul Skenes 簽約金920萬The Pirates announce that they have signed No. 1 overall pick Paul Skenes, a RHP from LSU. Signed by scout Wayne Mathis, Skenes will start his pro career at the Florida Complex League in Bradenton.5
[情報] Michael Chavis to PiratesBoston has traded Michael Chavis to Pittsburgh for Austin Davis. Chavis 去給海盜修修看? --1
[討論] Paul Skenes今年MLB的選秀狀元,他真的有全部好投手的條件,太可怕的天份了 ---- Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 --- Dylan Crews、Paul Skenes能否成為MLB選秀史上,第一對同校狀元榜眼?他們究竟有多強 ? 作者:JK47 來源: 放在任何一年選秀,路易斯安那州立大學(Louisiana State University,以下簡稱LSU)現
- Paul Skenes, Dylan Crews both promoted to Double-A less than two months after 2023 MLB Draft Paul Skenes, Dylan Crews 一同升上小聯盟2A Crews 目前在國民隊1A出賽14場