[閒聊] 朗希爭奪戰參與者
Teams that are still in on Roki Sasaski: Dodgers Padres Cubs Yankees Mets Rangers maybe Giants not the White Sox others could be added to list
道奇 教士 小熊 洋基 大都會 遊騎兵 巨人(也許)
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[情報] 大聯盟官網提出七個Soto交易包裹Here are 7 potential Juan Soto trade proposals 大都會 Mets get: OF Juan Soto Nationals get: LHP David Peterson, C Francisco Álvarez (MLB No. 2 prospect), 3B爆
[分享] 乳摸:條子、梅子和紅襪退出大谷爭奪戰Dodgers, Cubs, Blue Jays and Angels are among the teams still bidding on Shohe i Ohtani while the Mets, Rangers and Red Sox have turned their attention to ot her players, per @JeffPassan 紅襪、大都會和遊騎兵已將注意力轉向其他球員85
[分享] 大谷翔平爭奪戰賠率取自FOX SHOHEI OHTANI'S 2024 TEAM ODDS* Los Angeles Dodgers: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total) 道奇,賠率245
[情報] 小熊、國民大拍賣結果整理今年賣得最徹底的兩隊,佔據今年精彩的交易截止日最多戲份!! 小熊 Kris Bryant去巨人 July 30: Giants acquire 3B/OF Kris Bryant from Cubs for OF Alexander Canario a nd RHP Caleb Kilian39
[外電] Jon Heyman的前30名FAJon Heyman的前30名FA 1. Aaron Judge Teams: Yankees, Giants, Dodgers. Expert’s prediction: $330M, 9 years.24
[情報] MLB.com Power Rankings(教士登頂)MLB.com Power Rankings 最大進步:光芒(13→8)、國民(25→20) 最大退步:天使(20→25)23
[情報] MLBTR的亞洲球員合約預測(大谷528M)MLB Trade Rumors前五十大FA &合約/落點預測 亞洲球員部分 1.大谷翔平. Twelve years, $528MM19
[情報] MLB官網 最新Power Rankings(白襪登頂)MLB官網 最新Power Rankings 最大進步:太鼓人(10→4) 最大退步:巨人(2→6)、綠帽(5→9)、皇家(18→22)18
[外電] 大聯盟官網民調:FA的下家?Where will the biggest free agents sign this offseason? Let's see what the exper ts think. MLB.com polled 50 of its reporters and analysts on where 11 free-agent stars wil l end up for the 2023 season. These are the consensus picks for each one -- Aaro5
[分享] CBS自由球員預測 期中對答案MLB free agent predictions: Landing spots for top 20 players, with Yankees signi ng Correa; Bryant to the Mets No. 2 Corey Seager, SS: Cubs 實際:遊騎兵
[閒聊] 富邦運科24
[開戰] 火鍋不加芋頭派的站出來12
[閒聊] 非會員搶得到開幕大巨蛋嗎11
[閒聊] 全恩菲 NARUTO20
[閒聊] 禹洙漢9
[討論] 下雨天6
[閒聊] 鮑伊5
[閒聊] 頂五4
[閒聊] 能把腳舉這麼高4
[閒聊] 魔法少女小圓17
[討論] 全恩菲一直在吃東西32
[分享] 是貓仔問我要不要改側投不是川岸強3
[暈船] 侯芳16
Re: [閒聊] 張育成的應援13
[閒聊] 記者們有收到台鋼的消息吧?4
[閒聊] 三角初音15
[討論] 郭勇志 AKA 防波堤11
[閒聊] 泰坦奧斯丁2
[閒聊] 化成灰我也想愛你7
[閒聊] 如果你家有咪兔球員的商品?4
[閒聊] 新之助在大巨蛋8
[閒聊] 會長:雞柳條沒問題、一粒還在9
[討論] 今年開幕戰不知道票房能衝多少?6
[討論] 這顆天價還是..4
[閒聊] 能接受捕手慢跑嗎?1
Re: [分享] SSG應援服18
[閒聊] 這集母雞卡9
[閒聊] milet 新歌