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[情報] Monty:書人可能大腿拉傷Malika Andrews @malika_andrews Monty Williams tells @ALaForce that Devin Booker “may have a hamstring injury” and the Suns will “know more after the game.”爆
[花邊] 書人:KT一遍又一遍地重複說他有四冠Booker says Thompson kept telling him that Warriors have four rings. “He repeated it over and over.” 書人賽後表示:KT不斷重複說他有四冠。 Devin Booker postgame: "I love Klay Thompson. I have from the beginning. From88
[情報] Booker採訪時被問到現在對CP3有多失望Devin Booker was asked how frustrated he is for Chris Paul right now. "Next question please." 書人跟CP3今天賽後一起接受採訪 書人被問到現在對CP3(的表現)感到有多失望時92
[情報] Booker解釋與Cousins的爭議消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Afterwards, Devin Booker was asked about this exchange and subsequent jawing with Cousins and Rajon Rondo. "I was just saying, 'Go Big Blue.' That's my爆
[情報] Booker:放錯照片很不尊重Booker:放錯照片很不尊重 "That was disrespectful." Devin Booker on Nuggets having Amir Coffey's face on big screen instead of his i n starter intros. Coffey plays for Clippers, who were at Denver Tuesday. Coffey started at SG, but79
[花邊] 第二輪書人FG<78%太陽全部輸球pCT1Q The Suns are 0-4 this series when Devin Booker doesn’t shoot 78% or better. 書人在第二輪FG<78%的比賽太陽全部輸球 --33
[花邊] Booker過去三場共152分 場均50.7分Devin Booker has 152 points over his last three games (50.7 PPG). It's the second time that he has averaged at least 50 points per game over a three-game span. In the last 50 years only Booker, MJ, Kobe, Lillard, and Harden have accomplished this. 書人過去三場比賽總計得了152分,場均50.7分。8
Re: [花邊] Booker跟裁判抗議罰球時被暴龍的吉祥物干於是書人把頭像換成了 下面回覆的梗圖也滿讚 --4
[討論] 書人是不是很過譽啊?海賊王大媽團主戰力之一 書人夏洛特 蒙德爾 書書果實能力者 當初把魯夫跟娜美抓到書裡監禁- 來源: 補上連結 感謝版主 書人對這球似乎有意見?
[閒聊] 昨天讓你覺得:穩了 是什麼時候54
[閒聊] 辜董會挖陳傑憲嗎?54
[閒聊] 猜明年WBC資格賽台灣隊長39
[閒聊] 昨天台日收視率31
[閒聊] 其實我也是井端27
[討論] 巫苡萱接團長?27
[分享] 大谷昨天全程觀看台日金牌戰!26
Re: [閒聊] 四爺明年明星賽有機會人氣王嗎19
[閒聊] 鋒恰在早期中華隊情蒐不足的情況下18
[閒聊] 各位尊貴的冠軍球迷午安12
[閒聊] 中華隊奪冠對自由時報只有1/3重要性?16
[分享] 傑憲X大亨堡15
[閒聊] 可以說日本太強所以變弱嗎15
[閒聊] 那些上次選秀一直在洗1-3的13
[閒聊] 一直講換投13
[閒聊] 家正13
[閒聊] 喵喵交易郭俊麟是大賺吧13
[閒聊] 東森有可能正式投入中職轉播嗎?13
[閒聊] 中華隊12強賽奪冠 運彩公司估賠1.6億12
[閒聊] 雲雲的問,4X靜要到什麼時候12
[閒聊] 喵迷一整年的心情12
[討論] 為何不先代打,再換戴捕12
[閒聊] 玉米跟林家正真的有像黑道?11
[暈船] Jessy 秀秀子10
Re: [閒聊] 昨天台日收視率X
[討論] 萬一兩年後的WBC首輪就被淘汰會怎樣?10
[閒聊] 明年票房會創新高吧?9
[討論] 林安可那球9
[閒聊] 神主牌,談錢傷感情8
[閒聊] 這幾天聽過老人吹過最誇張的是什麼