[閒聊] 曼尼是跟紅襪撕破臉嗎?
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休息室找不到人,原來Manny跟洋基的Enrique Wilson
[情報] Netflix宣布2024要整季跟拍紅襪隊Netflix announces its first MLB documentary series, putting the spotlight on a s toried team (that has finished in last place in three of the past four seasons). 網飛宣布將替波士頓紅襪拍攝記錄片39
[分享] Netflix人員在紅襪清板凳時上前收音XDThe first bench clearing incident with a Netflix boom mic in MLB history. Looks like the crew for the Red Sox Netflix series had a boom mic in the mix dur ing today's benches-clearing incident37
[情報] Netflix宣布2024要整季跟拍紅襪隊Netflix announces its first MLB documentary series, putting the spotlight on a s toried team (that has finished in last place in three of the past four seasons). 網飛宣布將在2024年賽季16
[分享] NETFLIX 10月23日上架—紅襪紀錄片逆轉勝:2004波士頓紅襪傳奇之役 這部重量級紀錄片系列記敘紅襪隊打破86年魔咒,再度奪得世界大賽冠軍的旅程,節目收 錄知名球星與相關人員的專訪。10
[情報] Netflix人員在紅襪清板凳時上前收音XDThe first bench clearing incident with a Netflix boom mic in MLB history. Looks like the crew for the Red Sox Netflix series had a boom mic in the mix dur ing today's benches-clearing incident5
[分享] Apple TV+ 將拍攝今年世界大賽紀錄片It's the kind of matchup that deserves its own documentary. The @Dodgers and @Yankees will face off in the 2024 World Series and we'll be on the ground capturing it all. Coming soon to Apple TV+1
Re: [問卦] 為什麼歐洲都希望賀錦麗勝選?記得之前看到Netflix的紀錄片 講金錢貪污犯罪的 有一集就在說川普 看完覺得這人人格真的有問題 賀不熟
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[開戰] 羅戈保持聯繫