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Liam Hendriks在2021和白襪簽下三年保障54M的約
Free-agent closer Liam Hendriks and the Chicago White Sox are in agreement on amultiyear deal, pending a physical, sources told ESPN's Jeff Passan.
The deal is for three years and includes an option for a fourth and guarantees Hendriks $54 million, sources said.
Hendriks, 31, will make $39 million in the first three years, and the buyout and fourth-year option salary both are $15 million, sources said. If the White Soxdecline the option, they will be able to pay the buyout over the course of multiple years.
等於這張約會是3y/54M or 4Y/54M的差別而已
這種太個案了 不是比較普遍的通例
這也很妙 總額是一樣的 所以要爛到球團一定要清格子出
查了一下 他被買斷了
有可能啊 如果是這樣就是攤在前五年
23年只投五局 WAR -0.1
跟arod最後一年一樣 付錢叫你離開
少翻一句 買斷是採用分期付款If the White Sox decline t
he option, they will be able to pay the buyout over t
he course of multiple years.
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[情報] Mark Melancon to Diamondbacks 2yr/14MFree-agent reliever Mark Melancon in agreement with DBacks on two-year contract, pending physical, sources tell @TheAthletic. Right-handed reliever Mark Melancon and the Arizona Diamondbacks are in7
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[情報] Josh Harrison to White Sox, 1Y/5.5M原文作者:Ken Rosenthal (in Twitter) Free-agent infielder Josh Harrison in agreement with White Sox, source tells @TheAthletic. One-year contract with club option for 2023. Expected to play1
[情報] Liam Hendriks to Red SoxLiam Hendriks deal with the Red Sox, after the physical: 2 years, $10 million guaranteed, with additional performance bonuses. 紅襪簽下去年八月開TJ的前白襪終結者Liam Hendriks,合約為兩年10M附帶激勵獎金 基本上就是用比較便宜的價碼買未來的概念,等Hendriks能上場比賽簡森應該高機率不在隊上了 --
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