[分享] Bobby Witt Jr.年度防守精華
Bobby Witt Jr. 美聯金手套SS
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[分享] Bobby Witt Jr. 賽後留在休息區看洋基慶祝Bobby Witt Jr. hasn’t left the dugout. Watching the Yankees’ celebration. 皇家隊在今天遭到洋基隊淘汰出局 Bobby Witt Jr. 今天賽後留在休息區看著洋基隊在慶祝晉級65
[分享] Bobby Witt Jr. 本季達成30-30Stolen base No. 30 for Bobby Witt Jr. He is the first shortstop in MLB history with multiple 30/30 seasons. 皇家隊明星游擊手 Bobby Witt Jr. 今天首打席選到四壞球保送,之後成功盜上二壘,這也是本季第30次盜壘成功24
[分享] 今日 Bobby Witt Jr. 0-5, 3K今日 Bobby Witt Jr. : 先發游擊手第二棒 AB : 5 R : 0 H : 020
[分享] Bobby Witt Jr是爸爸幫他談約的剛剛發現的有趣的事 Witt's father, Bobby Witt Sr., played 16 MLB seasons as a pitcher and won a Worl d Series with the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2001. His father now works as his agen t and helped negotiate the record-setting contract.16
[分享] 今日Bobby Witt Jr. 新人20-20Bobby Witt Jr. KC #7 AB R H RBI BB SO AVG OPS 5 1 1 3 0 1 .248 .732 皇家大物新人Bobby Witt Jr.今天在三局上轟出一發三分砲 這是他本季的第20轟15
[情報] 皇家正在和Bobby Witt Jr談延長合約Royals are indeed trying to extend superstar SS Bobby Witt Jr. and word is there ’s been some progress. Not done yet, and no guarantee. But they are trying agai n. 皇家正在和陣中少主Bobby Witt Jr談延長合約15
[情報] Bobby Witt Jr是爸爸幫他談約的剛剛發現的有趣的事 Witt's father, Bobby Witt Sr., played 16 MLB seasons as a pitcher and won a Worl d Series with the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2001. His father now works as his agen t and helped negotiate the record-setting contract.10
[閒聊] Bobby Witt Jr.守備對比昨天部長、小可愛這是今天明星賽Bobby Witt Jr的 : (目前暫居OAA第一,臂力聯盟PR80) 這是昨天小可愛跟部長的 :3
[情報] 皇家不排除開200M合約給Bobby Witt Jr在去年年底Ken Rosenthal 的文章提到 But the Royals know a Witt deal almost certainly would cost them more than $200 million, and they are not dismissing the possibility. That alone constitutes pro gress.3
[分享] 今日 Bobby Witt Jr.今日Bobby Witt Jr. : 先發游擊手第二棒 AB : 5 R : 3 H : 3
[閒聊] 現在的89怎都越來越囂張阿..42
[開戰] 25人名單34
[閒聊] 一號重砲 曾頌恩19
[討論] 郭嚴文18
[討論] 曾32想換成曾118
[暈船] 挑戰抽到16
[討論] 為什麼8+9都這麼威風18
[開戰] 這次資格賽17
[暈船] 札幌市役所跟火腿本社的完整恩怨21
[閒聊] 長遠來看***往制服組發展好還是教練好12
[閒聊] 會不會結果沒有一隊找Cano24
[閒聊] 大師兄引退 會去的爪迷吱迷多嗎10
[討論] 要找回吸塵器當首席嗎10
[討論] 台日換背號問前輩意見很正常好嗎8
[閒聊] 龍失去呂詠臻最虧的是7
[閒聊] nba球隊單節拿8分?6
[閒聊] 在不同隊都辦引退賽會怎樣?30
[閒聊] 真的沒想到龍不保呂帥6
[開戰] 台中英雄隊選走拿莫算對龍隊最大報復5
[閒聊] 挑到呂詠臻賺爛了吧5
[閒聊] 古林 IG Q&A5
[閒聊] 把犯罪證據上傳4
[閒聊] 美式打擊+日式防守+韓式應援4
[討論] ***接校長後4
[閒聊] 吃瓜第一排3
Re: [閒聊] 東森很爽吧3
[閒聊] PS全新舞碼-生命之火3
[閒聊] 小白有來特攻場支援3
[閒聊] 萬事問4X-送禮禁忌2
[閒聊] 統一獅不直接綁聖騎士喔