[分享] V老弟:今天對老虎來說是簽下Bregman的好
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這文他每天都在Po= = 都看好幾天了
[情報] 洋基真的對Alex Bregman有興趣Hearing more buzz connecting Yankees to Alex Bregman. Interest is real. 大聯盟官網負責洋基隊的記者Bryan Hoch說他有聽到越來越多洋基與Bregman有聯繫的傳言 ,洋基對他的興趣是認真的 ---24
[情報] 老虎非常積極尋求Alex Bregman'Alex Bregman also continues to be a target, with Detroit seemingly representi ng the club most aggressively trying to sign the infielder.' 根據記者Rob Bradford 的報導,老虎似乎是最積極尋求簽下三壘手Alex Bregman 的球隊 。 補個前文,這記者是專門寫紅襪的,前面那個Alex Bregman also continues to be a ta20
[情報] 老虎/太空人/紅襪對Alex Bregman有興趣老虎隊對自由球員明星三壘手Alex Bregman表現出興趣,這將給他一個與前休士頓時 期的教練A.J. Hinch重聚的機會。不過,現任的太空人隊也已提出報價。 最終,Bregman的高價可能對老虎隊來說會是一個挑戰。 紅襪隊也曾詢問過Bregman的情況,如果他們將Rafael Devers移到一壘,Bregman可能成為18
[情報] 底特律老虎積極追求Bregman'Alex Bregman also continues to be a target, with Detroit seemingly representing the club most aggressively trying to sign the infielder.' 底特律老虎隊把Alex Bregman做為一個積極地想要簽下的目標。 Alex Bregman本季:15
[情報] Burnes、Bregman 可能會在聖誕節後簽約Jeff Passan今天的報導列出他聽到的市場消息 Right-hander Corbin Burnes and third baseman Alex Bregman are the two players le ft who fit this description, each with distinct markets that include some crosso ver. They also share an agent (Scott Boras) and a likely signing date after Chri9
[情報] 老虎以破紀錄簽約金簽下狀元No. 1 pick Spencer Torkelson, ASU 1B/3B, signs for record $8,416,300 with Tigers. There is an additional $2,500 bonus making the record total $8,418,800. So $3,500 above slot #Tork #Tigers 剛剛手殘誤發請見諒XD4
[閒聊] Alex Bregman:謝謝休士頓隨著太空人被老虎橫掃 Alex Bregman賽季結束後將成為自由球員 本季季後賽:AVG0.375 OPS0.75011
[情報] 老虎隊對Santander和金河成有興趣根據記者Evan Petzold報導,老虎隊對Anthony Santander和金河成有興趣 不過是將他們視為沒簽下Alex Bregman的備案,Santander是B計畫、金河成則是C計畫 The #Tigers have expressed interest in free-agent OF Anthony Santander and free- agent INF Ha-Seong Kim, per @EvanPetzold Evan notes that Santander and Kim are both contingency plans should DET miss out7
[炸裂] Nathaniel Lowe悶了2.5場的條子 一開始就被Bregman首開紀錄 又接著被老虎王壓了快五局 五局下半總算讓Nate Lowe用天生神力 將一顆外角高直球輕輕一撥
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