[閒聊] 波拉斯:大勝
從Snell 到Soto
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[分享] 波拉斯:不會拿Soto跟大谷翔平比較出自ESPN的報導 Soto's overall deal is likely to be at least the second largest in MLB history b ehind Shohei Ohtani's 10-year, $700 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodger s. Soto的合約總額至少有可能是大聯盟史上第二大約,僅次於大谷跟道奇的10年7億鎂52
[分享] 波拉斯四天王身價參考自這篇 Bellinger:想要200M+ 拿80M Chapman:想要150M+ 拿54M Snell:想要250M+ 拿62M43
[情報] 波拉斯:春訓開始後又有四支球隊跟我聯絡Four new teams have reached out to Scott Boras about Blake Snell and Jordan Mont gomery since the start of spring training, Boras says 波拉斯說在春訓開始後有四支新球隊跟他詢問有關Snell跟Montgomery的事 急了……?32
[情報] 洋基老闆:想跟Juan Soto討論延長合約I interviewed Hal Steinbrenner for my “Yankees News & Views” podcast. He said he’d like to see Soto finish his career with the Yankees. While Boras’s client s typically go to free agency, Steinbrenner also said it’s likely there will be talks this season. Podcast dropping soon.30
[分享] 波拉斯: Juan Soto 開始淘汰球隊候選清單Scott Boras said Juan Soto has “begun the process of eliminating teams.” Signing is not imminent. 經紀人 Scott Boras 今天在記者會上談到自由球員客戶 Juan Soto11
[分享] Juan Soto將與大都會老闆Steve Cohen會面Steve Cohen will fly to California next week to meet with Juan Soto and Scott Boras, per @NYPost_Mets Juan Soto 在今年休賽季進入自由球員市場 接下來準備洽談新合約5
[情報] Soto交易案有一堆Bora$的球員XDAnd who is in the middle of getting this deal done -- Scott Boras. He reps Hosme r, who has to give his consent to be traded. He also reps Soto, Bell, McKenize G ore and James Wood. So this is the Padres/Nationals/Boras trade. 這交易中一堆Bora$的球員XD
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