[閒聊] 總教練怎麼變成manager 了
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[情報] 首位小聯盟女性總教練誕生Sources: Rachel Balkovec, who joined the Yankees organization as a minor-league hitting coach in 2019, will serve as the manager for the Low A Tampa Tarpons nex t season. 洋基隊宣布48
[情報] 費城人開除Joe GirardiJoe Girardi is out as Phillies manager. Rob Thomson interim Joe Girardi確定已經不再是費城人的總教練了,Rob Thomson將暫代職位,沒想到這麼快 就有總教練下台了@@ --29
[情報] 天使新總教練Ron WashingtonThe Angels have reportedly hired Ron Washington as their next manager, per MLB N etwork Insider Jon Heyman. 天使隊的新任總教練為Ron Washington 對他的第一印象就是遊騎兵當年差一顆好球時的總教練19
[情報] 白襪隊開除總教練 Pedro GrifolThe White Sox have fired manager Pedro Grifol. 白襪隊總教練 Pedro Grifol 確定被球團開除 --15
[情報] 洋基隊老闆 計畫留任 Aaron BooneYankees owner Hal Steinbrenner plans on keeping Aaron Boone as manager, per @AP_Sports & @SNYtv Steinbrenner said, "I believe he is a very good manager. I don’t see a change there.”12
Re: [討論] 為什麼棒球教練都穿球衣不穿西裝關於這問題 幾年前就已經有長文詳盡探討解析了 為什麼大聯盟總教練也要穿球衣? 原文連結傳送門: 有些人說,教練穿著西裝除了有助於建立教練的專業感與信任感,職業籃球和曲棍球可以 穿西裝的原因之一或許是都是在室內有空調的環境進行,西裝應該頗為舒適,照此邏輯,8
[情報] MLB 一位季後賽隊伍總教練仍沒打疫苗One MLB manager on a contending team remains unvaccinated, and to participate in the postseason and be near players, MLB says managers, coaches, staff must get an mRNA shot by Oct. 4 and have 2nd scheduled. That manager has to make a decisi on. @Ken_Rosenthal 1st on new MLB decree2
[閒聊] 最佳總教練怎麼會是COY? 總教練是Manager, Manager of the Year真要縮寫是MOY吧? --1
Re: [問題] 總教練跟投手教練職權該一樣大嗎?總教練 Manager 就是在manage比賽的人 投手教練 Pitching coach 就是在coach Pitcher的人 在MLB要換投手一定是總教練上投手丘 --