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問題在洋基吧 大都會道奇隨便車
[情報] 大聯盟主席和奧克蘭市長對嗆大聯盟主席在媒體提到對於綠帽搬家的看法 Rob Manfred on A's: 除了替綠帽球迷感到難過外,他也把苗頭指向奧克蘭政府27
[情報] 曼佛地魔:我想要繼續當MLB主席Rob Manfred wants to be re-elected as MLB commissioner: “I have what I regard t o be the best job in the world. My current thinking is I’d like to continue to do it.” A notable nine-month window for re-election is about to start.26
[情報] 曼佛地魔談季後賽賽制熱議:才第二年欸Commissioner Rob Manfred believes its too early to judge baseball's new playoff format even after two division winners were swept this postseason and a third st ruggled offensively before being eliminated. 對於在近期引發網路熱議的大聯盟季後賽賽制20
[情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局Commissioner Election Vote Scheduled For Next Week; Manfred Expected To Be Re-El ected Major League Baseball’s owners will vote next week to determine whether to keep Rob Manfred as commissioner, report Evan Drellich and Ken Rosenthal of the Athl etic. There’s little intrigue expected with the outcome, as one person told The12
[情報] 有些老闆想找迪士尼Bob Iger來當主席既然曼佛地魔說要退休,媒體也開始點名下一任主席會是誰 然後看到有趣的東西 Those categories of people should be kept in mind this go-around. But external n ames were part of the last process too. Some owners wanted to land Disney’s Ige1
Re: [情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局Rob Manfred毫不意外的續任了。 任期到2029/1/25, 從他2015/1上任以來,可以當到十四年。 --1
[閒聊] 明天確定山陀兒完投完封勝明天全台縣市放假 中職確定全部延賽 大夥可以回家啦 超愛基隆市長 爽爛 ----- 影片 痾 感冒嗎…. --
- 看到曼佛地魔這樣搞,以後會不會出現覺得打者太會打全壘打,所以強迫單場敲出全壘打後下一打席一定要換代打之類的鬼規定… 怎麼感覺不遠了… 這主席可以下台嗎 -- Sent from nPTT on my iPhone 13 Pro
[閒聊] 罷免38席立委40
[閒聊] 大巨蛋各隊場次(爪13,龍11,喵6,吱邦鷹3)39
[猜猜] 爪巨蛋出賽場次35
[開戰] 幹,北市府到底有沒有腦35
[閒聊] 北市:未介入分配30
[分享] 洗碗炎上文23
[分享] 戴培峰生日快樂20
[閒聊] 遠雄是在逼各球團認養大巨蛋吧?21
[閒聊] 大巨蛋解法21
[討論] 安德烈波伽利 4月大巨蛋開唱37
[閒聊] 樂天女孩RKG介紹頁有36位18
Re: [閒聊] 罷免38席立委53
[討論] 結婚強迫離職啦啦隊33
[閒聊] RKG異動名單14
[閒聊] 難怪泰安沒出來講話33
[分享] 樂天女孩場薪低於其他啦啦隊12
[廢文] 章市長真的是龍迷吧11
[閒聊] 有合約的洋投為何還一直投?11
[閒聊] 史丹利會介紹喵喵的新洋投嗎?10
[閒聊] 其實洲際的交通問題10
[暈船] 太妍8
[閒聊] 中職球員卡8
[閒聊] 洋基想拿Arraez守二壘??7
[閒聊] 我說那個江蕙7
[討論] 5070效能約等於409012
Re: [討論] 洲際整修有消息了嗎6
[閒聊] 顯卡問4X13
[閒聊] 源田5
[閒聊] Go Go Go