Re: [閒聊] Spotrac阿金合約估值
※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: 最近發現原來Spotrac有在做市場價值推算
: 阿金合約模板
: Jake Cronenworth
: Andrew Benintendi
: Lourdes Gurriel Jr.
: Edman合約是買斷仲裁的、Jake Cronenworth提前綁約
: Benintendi、Lourdes Gurriel Jr. 自由市場簽約
: 最終結論4Y/49M
Padres Nation就有開始討論季後幾名球員狀況
He hired Boras so plan on either paying a lot more than $49 or not having himuntil July.
Would you re-sign Ha-Seong Kim for 4 years, $49.1 million
Let me know
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※ 編輯: Yjizz ( 臺灣), 10/18/2024 06:02:39
[分享] 姜正浩:天使蠻適合你的 金:但他們一直輸欸Reddit上有人翻譯酒駕姜、阿金、崔胖聊天影片內容 覺得蠻有趣,挑幾項分享一下56
[情報] 金河成去教士The Padres have reached an agreement with Ha-seong Kim, a source tells The Athletic. 前KBO英雄隊明星內野手金河成確定與教士簽約 詳細合約內容待補40
Re: [問題] 巨人球迷這季在想什麼?我不是道奇迷也不是巨人迷 但有些地方忍不住想吐嘈一下 健康的Buser Posey甚至是4年3冠? 原來可以這樣算 那這樣中職Lamigo藍寅倫2016季賽第一場就受傷 整季報銷29
[情報] 金河成簽約教士The Padres have reached an agreement with Ha-seong Kim, a source tells The Athletic. 教士要開始幹大事了阿28
[情報] 教士開放金河成、Grisham交易Padres GM A.J. Preller said "our intention is to play this position group togeth er." But industry sources indicated to @dennistlin that San Diego could discuss trade s involving Trent Grisham and Ha-Seong Kim.19
[情報] 金河成雇用Scott Boras當經紀人Interesting development as Ha-Seong Kim enters a big offseason: The Padres shortstop has hired Boras Corporation to represent him. There is a mutual option for 2025 that Kim is likely to decline. Even with shoulder surgery looming, he is expected to be coveted in free agency.12
[分享] 金河成翻譯賽後帶全隊跳Gangnam styleThe best postgame footage I'll have #Padres celebrating their playoff berth with Gangnam style, led by Ha-Seong Kim' s interpreter, Leo Bae10
[情報] 金河成雇用Scott Boras當經紀人Interesting development as Ha-Seong Kim enters a big offseason: The Padres shortstop has hired Boras Corporation to represent him. There is a mutual option for 2025 that Kim is likely to decline. Even with shoulder surgery looming, he is expected to be coveted in free agency.3
[閒聊] 金河成當年是想去藍鳥Final Ha-Seong Kim update. -Kim preferred a move to Toronto while his family preferred a West coast team -Toronto made numerous offers to Kim, but none included a “no minors” clause -Kim ended up choosing SD b/c he was guaranteed MLB baseball
[閒聊] 現在的89怎都越來越囂張阿..39
[開戰] 25人名單27
Re: [閒聊] 真的沒想到龍不保呂帥24
[閒聊] 大師兄引退 會去的爪迷吱迷多嗎22
[閒聊] 為什麼把呂詠臻放在25名單外?19
[閒聊] 認真問,老虎跟高永表誰強18
[閒聊] 長遠來看***往制服組發展好還是教練好15
[討論] 為什麼8+9都這麼威風15
[閒聊] 悍將新教練團15
[閒聊] 徐基麟 張景淯 鄭浩均 林暉盛13
[開戰] TPBL14
[暈船] 札幌市役所跟火腿本社的完整恩怨10
[閒聊] 笑死扁阿航的8920
[閒聊] 如果有這5位 我爪挑誰10
[討論] 要找回吸塵器當首席嗎18
[閒聊] 金鏞最後一舞?9
[閒聊] 守備能力退化 退休還能教嗎8
[閒聊] 盜帥全盛時期碰上牽制限制+壘包加大8
[開戰] 笑長、光瓜和台體幫8
[閒聊] 把凌晨三四點上班當事蹟….7
[閒聊] nba球隊單節拿8分?7
[開戰] 阿防波提咧6
[閒聊] 古代沒有投球限制 還能那麼多盜壘30
[閒聊] 真的沒想到龍不保呂帥6
[暈船] 今年季後5
[開戰] 大巨蛋開演唱會被周邊住戶抱怨5
[閒聊] 古林 IG Q&A5
[閒聊] 把犯罪證據上傳4
[閒聊] 後藤光尊4
[閒聊] 美式打擊+日式防守+韓式應援