[稱讚] Manny Machado
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教士錢真的很多 票房這麼賺啊
[情報] Manny Machado和教士延長合約 11年350MBREAKING: Star third baseman Manny Machado and the San Diego Padres are finali zing an 11-year, $350 million contract extension, sources familiar with the de al tell ESPN. Machado helped turn around the franchise. He'll stay as the asce ndant Padres seek their first championship.30
[情報] Manny Machado 和教士延長合約 11年350MBREAKING: Star third baseman Manny Machado and the San Diego Padres are finali zing an 11-year, $350 million contract extension, sources familiar with the de al tell ESPN. Machado helped turn around the franchise. He'll stay as the asce ndant Padres seek their first championship.26
[情報] 教士開價5年105M續約MachadoThe Padres offered Manny Machado an extra five years and $105 million on top of the six-year, $180 million that he said he’ll opt out of after this season, per @sdutKevinAcee 根據消息,教士開給抹茶的報價是在目前剩餘合約(6年180M)的基礎上再追加5年105M21
[情報] Manny Machado預期明年會跳脫合約Manny Machado is expected to opt-out of his contract after the 2023 season and e nter free agency, per @JonHeyman Manny Machado預期將會在明年跳脫合約 到時他和教士剩下合約為5yr/150M13
[情報] Manny Machado傾向年底會逃脫合約It wasn’t a secret, but Manny Machado publicly confirmed he’s told the Padres he intends to opt out of his contract. He declined to get into negotiations on a potential extension with the club, but did say he’d still like to play as long as new teammate Nelson Cruz has.6
[情報] Manny Machado傾向年底會逃脫合約It wasn’t a secret, but Manny Machado publicly confirmed he’s told the Padres he intends to opt out of his contract. He declined to get into negotiations on a potential extension with the club, but did say he’d still like to play as long as new teammate Nelson Cruz has.6
Fw: [情報] Manny Machado預期明年會跳脫合約作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] Manny Machado預期明年會跳脫合約 時間: Sat Dec 17 14:28:30 2022 Manny Machado is expected to opt-out of his contract after the 2023 season and e
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