[討論] Fedde
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白襪一直都很蠢啊 很喜歡一開賣時喊的很高價最後賣
肥迪跟去年的Cease 都賤賣
[情報] 躲人、紅雀、白襪發動三方交易The St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago White Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreem ent on a three-way deal that will RHP Erick Fedde to St. Louis and IF Tommy Edma n to Los Angeles, sources tell ESPN. White Sox will be getting a haul of prospec ts in return. @Ken_Rosenthal on it.7
[分享] NC恐龍隊洋投Fedde尋求兩年約 年薪超過5MErick Fedde is believed to be nearing a deal with an unspecified team, per source. He’s likely looking at a two-year deal worth more than $5 million per year. 今年球季轉戰韓國職棒大殺四方的NC恐龍隊洋投 Erick Fedde6
[情報] NC恐龍以100萬鎂簽下Erick FeddeNC恐龍以一年100萬鎂簽下29歲右投Erick Fedde 其中簽約金20萬+年薪80萬 Erick Fedde這兩年在國民隊扛輪值5
[情報] Erick Fedde to White Sox 2yr/15MRight-hander Erick Fedde and the Chicago White Sox are in agreement on a two-y ear, $15 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Fedde, 30, went 20-6 with a 2.00 ERA for the NC Dinos in the KBO, where he was named MVP this year. --4
[情報] 韓職年度MVP Erick Fedde 與白襪簽約Right-hander Erick Fedde and the Chicago White Sox are in agreement on a two-y ear, $15 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Fedde, 30, went 20-6 with a 2.00 ERA for the NC Dinos in the KBO, where he was named MVP this year. Erick Fedde今年投出了20勝6敗、防禦率2.00的成績,180.1局送出209次三振,成為韓職3
[情報] 紅雀對Erick Fedde非常有興趣Report: Cardinals Have “Strong Interest” In Erick Fedde The Cardinals have “strong interest” in White Sox right-hander Erick Fedde, ac cording to a report from USA Today’s Bob Nightengale this morning. Fedde is amo ng a number of controllable pieces that the White Sox have made available this s ummer, alongside breakout left-hander Garrett Crochet and star center fielder Lu2
[情報] 今日Erick Fedde(能量釋放)今日Erick Fedde(能量釋放) 本季屠殺韓職的肥迪 於今天客場社稷出戰樂天巨人 IP:4.0 H:92
[分享] 今日韓職2023MVP Erick Fedde去年在韓職大殺四方的Fedde,今年回到大聯盟白襪隊 這位昔日首輪好手,前面五局還算精彩只失一分,第六局留下一二壘有人無人出局退場,接手的投手也沒有掉分 終場皇家2比1擊敗白襪,Fedde無關勝負 IP 5.0 H 61
[分享] 今日Erick Fedde(能量釋放)今日Erick Fedde(能量釋放) 本季屠殺韓職的肥迪 於今天客場社稷出戰樂天巨人 IP:4.0 H:91
Re: [情報] 今日 Erick Fedde(8.1局)簡單機翻: 被國民釋出後 Fedde 決心搬家到亞利桑那州, 並加入一間備受隊友和朋友,名為 Push Performance 的投球實驗室兼訓練中心 Push有跟治療機構 Next Era合作, 不但能幫忙修復 Fedde 的肩膀, 還能夠同時對 Fedde
[閒聊] 明天先發 林昱珉38
[閒聊] 地震29
Re: [開戰] 算TQB太難了29
[閒聊] 還是主播吳昇府的聲音最有磁性27
[閒聊] 是說2026WBC分在日韓澳捷那組24
[開戰] 半夜還沒睡的都給我進來25
[暈船] 所以獎牌戰要誰上阿17
[討論] 話說蔡會長的接班人會是?20
[閒聊] 假設贏日本一分被淘汰19
[閒聊] 看到推文說贏球不就好了17
[討論] 五十幡亮汰15
[閒聊] 我們為什麼在討論冠軍戰?16
[討論] 井端vs柳仲逸14
[討論] 這一刻 我們都是美國人14
[討論] 贏日本一次但有可能第四名12
[閒聊] 我們現在就只剩恐日了11
[閒聊] 龍貓不可能不知道要藏牌啦11
[閒聊] 不能等到中午結果出來再決定先發人選11
[討論] 如果今天晚接午又翻車 悍創要怎麼辦9
[暈船] 神奈川的神9
[閒聊] 絕境日本8
[開戰] 雖然還早 但問一個週日賽程相關問題9
[分享] 蔡佳諺 澳職雜記 |Part. 18
[開戰] 算TQB太難了9
[閒聊] 今年這麼頂未來怎麼辦8
[閒聊] 大勢竟然上了?8
[閒聊] 運彩開盤-美委7
[閒聊] 體驗中職好球帶7
[閒聊] 這不就平手了嗎7
[閒聊] 押林昱珉有沒有可能是全體球員的意願?