[分享] 巨人給Raidel Martinez 4Y/32.5M
Sources confirms: Cuban star RHP Raidel Martinez (28) closed a historic deal with the Yomiuri Giants for 32.5 M and 4 seasons in NPB.
I previously reported 16 M for 2 y, but Martinez got a better offer.
Martinez will have an EV of $8,125,000 M.
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好奇他沒有想去 MLB 嗎?
[情報] J.D. Martinez to Dodgers 1yr/10MFree-agent designated hitter J.D. Martinez and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on a contract, pending physical, according to sources familiar with the deal. Designated hitter J.D. Martinez and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement o14
[分享] Raidel Martinez正式離開中日龍隊來源: 中日龍隊的守護神Raidel Martinez在今天宣布離隊 他在今天和球隊連絡離隊,據球隊關係者稱他可能加入東京的球隊。 他在中日龍隊的3年合約在今年到期,而球隊給他12
[分享] Raidel Martinez去讀賣巨人Sources: Cuban star closer RHP Raidel Martinez (28) is finalizing a deal with the Yomiuri Giants. Two-year, $16 million contract. In 2024, Martinez (1.09 ERA) became the Latin American pitcher with the most s aves in a single season in NPB with 43 SV.8
[分享] 5-6支日職球團有意在季後爭取中日MartinezCuban star closer Raidel Martinez has about 5-6 teams in the Japanese Professional League interested in signing him this offseason, according to sources. Fukuoka Softbank are among the contending teams.5
[分享]今日Raidel Martinez達成日職150次救援成功中日的守護神Raidel Martinez在今日與阪神虎的比賽中拿下生涯第150次救援成功 只用了11球就收下比賽 也和先發投手高橋宏斗和擊出兩分砲的細川成也一同站上英雄訪問 IP:1 H:04
Re: [新聞] SPC-火球男叛逃讓中日龍錯愕 古巴棒協要求其實還有一個最有趣的事情 這是中日官方yt昨天的影片 標題直接“ #うちのライデル ”も帰ってきた (我們的Raidel Martinez也已經回來了)4
[情報] 巨人隊開價1年1400萬給J.D. MartinezPrior to signing Jorge Soler to a three-year, $42 million contract, the Giants o ffered J.D. Martinez a one-year, $14 million deal, per sources. Martinez was see king $20 million, and while he might have been willing to accept a little less, he declined the Giants' offer.2
[分享] 中嶋聰監督不滿Raidel Martinez投手犯規週六京瓷巨蛋對中日的交流戰,歐力士沒能守住1:0領先, 九上慘遭連續安打+高飛犧牲打逆轉,1:2落敗。 賽後中嶋聰監督對九下登板的中日守護神Raidel Martinez特別表達不滿,2
[分享] 讀賣巨人隊可能爭取Raidel MartinezThe Yomiuri Giants are really interested and have emerged in recent days as potential favorites to sign Cuban star closer Raidel Martinez, per sources. 來源是Francys Romero的消息: 在今年自由市場上中日龍的守護神Raidel Martinez 是最熱門的球員之一,原本一開始只有軟銀和DeNA- 中嶋聰監督質疑Raidel Martinez的投球動作「完全是投手犯規」, 不能理解裁判為什麼不抓。 九下無死一壘, Martinez對中川那個打席的投球, 疑似從固定式直接變為揮臂式。
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