[閒聊] Freeman問蘿蔔:誰打二棒誰打三棒?
Dave Roberts said the Dodgers were in the training room the other day, and Freddie Freeman just blatantly asked:
"Okay Doc, who's hitting second, who's hitting third?'
Roberts said he's already toyed with the lineup a little bit, but obviously has time to make those decisions.
自由人直接問總欸 誰打二棒誰打三棒
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2棒大谷3棒自由人4棒will smith 5棒大王 完美
按照之前的經驗 自由人不會打二
[情報] Freddie Freeman去道奇 6年162MSources: Freddie Freeman and #Dodgers are finalizing a multiyear contract, as @JimBowdenGM reported earlier. Freeman has chosen to play in his native Southe rn California. @MLB @MLBNetwork 自由人Freddie Freeman確定選擇回家鄉去道奇打球了,正在敲定合約,根據之前的報導52
[情報] Mookie Betts 明天可能開始擔任先發游擊手#Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said Mookie Betts will be back from paternity leav e tomorrow. And it sure sounds like he’s going to start at shortstop. 蘿蔔說明天Betts會從陪產假回歸,聽起來像是要讓他去擔任游擊手 ---45
[分享] Max Muncy 談道奇隊新打線: Unbelievable#Dodgers Max Muncy says second base is his favorite position and believes it’ s the one he plays best. Said adding Freddie Freeman will make the lineup “ unbelievable.” 道奇隊強打 Max Muncy14
[情報] Mookie Betts 將於明天回歸#Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said Mookie Betts will be back in the lineup tomorrow. 道奇隊總教練 Dave Roberts 今天在賽後接受訪問時表示 Mookie Betts 即將於明天正式歸隊14
Re: [新聞] 12局沒考慮敬遠大谷 遊騎兵教頭:我想保送好奇看了一下大谷保護Trout和大哥保護大谷的數字 很不精確因為場次少和不是每場都兩個都有上 Trout 二棒 .257/.358/.495 Trout 三棒 .242/.316/.364 (9場) 大谷 二棒 .320/.404/.600 (13場)14
[情報] Freddie Freeman 昨日20-20昨天老虎vs躲人 七局下 Freeman盜上2壘完成本季第20盜 首次成為20-20 club一員 dodgers-freddie-freeman-close-to-first-baseman-history12
[情報] Corey Seager右手骨折Seager fractures hand on HBP, will go on IL LOS ANGELES -- The Dodgers have overcome an avalanche of injuries so far this season, but now theyre going to have to be without Corey Seager for an extended period of time, as X-rays showed the star shortstop7
[分享] 今日Freddie Freeman今日Freddie Freeman AB R H RBI BB SO AVG OBP SLG OPS Freeman 5 3 4 5 0 0 .312 .399 .500 .899 今日自由人客場打蛇四連戰首戰 一樣擔任二棒一壘手3
[炸裂] Freddie Freeman上半局才剛看到綱手林控球出問題 因為高飛犧牲打丟了兩分 下一局自由人直接一個熟悉的高爾夫球打法,打熟悉的8號位撈出去 幫助躲人和宇宙條戰成4:4平手
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