Re: [求助] 男人幾歲開始性欲會降低?

看板Boy-Girl標題Re: [求助] 男人幾歲開始性欲會降低?作者
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※ 引述 《Nigger5566 (尼哥56)》 之銘言:
: 我發現要跟女生正常的交流
: 就必須捨棄性欲
no no no my nigga56
this is so wrong
: 就像跟龍妹可以正常聊天
: 但遇到正妹就不知道怎麼開口
ok let's not discriminate dragon sisters

u know what's the real problem here ?

We can rely on masturbation to help us staying calm when meeting girls.

However, when men are in " saint mode" . They really see girls as friends only.

How you behave , what you show
They all make yourself step into the "friend zone"

: 日常生活中也時常被蒙蔽
: 正妹推銷產品總是特別容易中計
well if we discuss about virgin boys here . Guess you're right
: 這個社會已經佈滿美色的誘惑
: 讓你沒辦法對正妹說不
did u transfer a lot of money to some weird accounts ?
: 我已經領悟這層道理了
: 但身體還沒跟上我的想法
: 依然會不經意的被正妹牽著鼻子走

instead of running from it , you should face it.

let the sexual desire drive you.
study hard how to approach a girl and end up being in the bed together.

once you no longer think as a " dead fat nerd " does , you will find a new life.

Wish u the best homie.

: 請問幾歲開始性欲會降低
: 也許時間就能解決這些問題
not really, I believe desire goes down as the hardness of your penis


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zoro17801/10 14:25英文不好,看不懂英文

zoro17801/10 14:33good said, I agree to you

zoro17801/10 14:50I thought you can go to there ask them

PF3001/10 15:31let's make it simple, just masturbate all day long!

wbt77hsy01/10 16:13笑死

icelaw01/10 16:23王妃的英文 也太台式了吧 笑死

icelaw01/10 16:23by 以前當過高中生的英文家教

icelaw01/10 16:25完全就是把中文的文法邏輯 硬翻成英文

newtypeL901/10 16:37He lives in fantasy homie !

zoro17801/10 17:22我英文不好啦,學測英文只考10級分而已

zoro17801/10 17:23大學畢業後已經7年沒看書、沒讀英文了

Nigger556601/10 17:53謝謝你努力用台式英文寫作,很有道理

peter9801/10 23:24howdy, this is a book