[閒聊] 骨頭頭
it was very much a film about expressing something very specific ive been feeling for a while so thank you for watching
That's a gay ass skeleton
Now I feel it
that's some of that kinda of shorts
That's a beautiful ending
aye yo wtf
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※ 編輯: jeeplong ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 23:43:41
why did you let me watch this….
很棒的短片 果然就是要短
[情報] DH再次談到未入選75大的感想最近DH接受訪問 再次表達對無法入選75大的感受 “I feel as though since I left Orlando and since I left L.A. the first time and how the media depicted me in the situation, both have kinda left a bad taste in爆
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[音樂] Gummy B - TBHthe "沒破音" version (from 大嘻哈時代2 EP.1) 歌詞 I don’t feel so good right now, to be honest40
[情報] 魔獸世界開放全種族可選法師、牧師、盜賊MrGM: Any new class/race combos coming at all? Holinka: Yeah, you know, we kinda have this broad direction. I don't wanna make any huge promises but we kinda feel like we want to move towards a world where the race of a character is not a limiter for what they can or what they14
[分享] Tatis.Jr說他最近在關注大谷翔平Tatis.Jr回歸首戰就打了一波 4-4 盜壘時還show了劈腿神技 在賽後記者會時,記者問到最近有沒有關注哪位球員 他說聯盟有很多很好的球員,但他最近有在關注大谷翔平的二刀流 Q: On a player he enjoys watching right now ?2
[問卦]You look wonderful tonight?It's late in the evening She's wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make up And brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me, "Do I look alright?"2
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeIt may feel as though there is a lot of friction surrounding you right now. Yo u can feel the crazy energy, and it may be causing you to feel nervous, which may lead to fears of something going wrong. But that wild energy you are feeli ng - it is something good. It's the universe stirring things up so that someth ing can be put into place. There are changes that have to happen, and when a p1
[情報] 11/21 the daily horoscopeYou may feel that you have not been expressing yourself very clearly to a cert ain person or group of people about what it is that you want or need. There is no fault on your end, Gemini, though you may be blaming yourself. This is not about poor communication on your part. This is not about clarity. This is abo ut having to deal with someone else who doesn't have their mind made up. If yo1
[情報] 15/12/2021 Daily Horoscope有人可能因為你在某個領域的專業知識而向你求助,因為他們需要幫助,但你可能覺得自 己並沒有那麼多經驗。 月之子,也許他們只是想奉承你,因為他們需要幫助,或者他們只是尊重你的智慧和解決 問題的創造性方法。 但不管是什麼,想要幫助永遠不是一件壞事。- A very emotional experience may feel quite dramatic as you go through it, Gemi ni, but that does not mean that it won't end well. You are dealing with someth ing that you need to deal with. Maybe you have put it off for a long time. Nat urally, it is difficult. But once you work through the toughest part of it, yo u will begin to feel the cathartic effects of it. You will soon start to feel
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[閒聊] 宙斯是不是真的不覺得待在T1開心過57
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[討論] 日本古代的鐵這麼優質嗎42
[閒聊] 金搖桿2024開獎25
[閒聊] T1粉絲有9成5都是Faker粉嗎??25
[閒聊] 越到中年好像越來越能理解左近寺23
[閒聊] 七龍珠如果打入複雜情節21
[閒聊] 遊戲王 德國巨型卡牌決鬥會25
Re: [閒聊] 跟女同學做過最親密的舉動是什麼17
[妮姬]C105出展 和服新圖 紅白女主角!26
[問題] 京子跟小春誰人氣比較高12
[閒聊] 你叫我愛羅...(?)11
[妮姬] 路見不平 拔刀相助34
[MLTD] 偶大百萬的手遊畫面太讚了吧!11
[鐵道] 知道了記憶開拓者的流螢33
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[問題] 有痛感共享這個技能看醫生是不是特別方9
[24秋] 膽大黨 08 看得好爽9
[討論] 黑悟空音樂部分好像稍微弱一點14
Re: [閒聊] 跟AZKi一起開車14
[問題] 棕色塵埃2為何穿插古代跟現代8
[塗鴉] Raora Panthera21
[閒聊] 支那人沒有一個是無辜的6
[開箱] PS5 Pro 30週年版5
[原神] 甘雨的前傾姿勢7
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[蔚藍] 神戶電鐵合作 車頭標記是溫泉開發部8
Re: [閒聊] 角川可能為防Kakao惡意收購主動聯繫索尼