[寵粉] 美國Disney+月費將((小漲))20%

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How to Avoid the Upcoming Disney+ Price Hike

Disney has announced it’s increasing prices for the ad-free tier of Disney+
on October 12. It’s a story we’ve heard many times before, from streaming
services like Netflix, Hulu, and Max — not to mention Disney+ itself. On the
plus side, if you start an annual subscription now at the current price, you’ll strategically lock in the lower price for about a year. That’s just smart
planning. To see what the various options mean for your pocketbook, let’s
look at the numbers.

迪士尼宣布將於10/12日開始提高Disney+無廣告套餐的價格。這是我們以前從 Netflix、Hulu和Max等流媒體服務中聽過很多次的故事,更不用說Disney+本身了。從好的方面來說,如果您現在以當前價格開始年度訂閱,您將戰略性地鎖定較低的價格大約一年。

Lock in a Year of Disney+ Before the Price Goes Up

First, the price increase. On October 12, the monthly price of ad-free
Disney+ will increase from $10.99 to $13.99. That’s about a 20% increase,
which turns into a lot of money over the span of your subscription. The cost
of the with-ads tier will remain the same ($7.99/month), at least for the
time being.

(7.99 美元/月),至少目前是這樣。

But if you want no ads and you want to lock in the current price, now is the
time. The current price for 12 months of ad-free Disney+ is $110. (Disney hasn’t announced how much the annual price will be once the increase goes into

Not only does an annual subscription save you money compared to 12 months of
the current monthly price, but it saves way more compared to the increased
price going into effect October 12. If you were to pay the post-increase
monthly price for 12 months, it would cost you $167.88 total. So locking in
the current, lower annual price now saves you a bunch of money.

Alternatively, once the price hike goes into effect, a new bundle option willbecome available. It will include ad-free Disney+ and ad-free Hulu for $19.99per month. That may be the best option if you plan to subscribe to the no-ad
tiers of both services, because for some reason Hulu currently doesn't offer
an ad-free annual subscription.




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keerily08/16 11:58提升20%教育費用

cycy77148908/16 12:01太多用戶不受教,只好找死忠的用戶漲價

silentknight:轉錄至看板 movie

08/16 12:02

mictoaety08/16 12:02yt premium 家庭漲快50%

nowingboy08/16 12:04哇 都沒什麼人要看了 還漲價

nowingboy08/16 12:04兩成很貴耶

Tsozuo08/16 12:05不去電影院支持小黑魚人的下場

billy79112208/16 12:06就是沒人看才要漲啊,缺的補回來

egg78108/16 12:06這樣玩喔?那我韓劇惡鬼看完要退了

leamaSTC08/16 12:07隔壁證明了這玩法很有用啊 還沒逼到個臨界值就不會退

真的 網飛努力抓寄生帳號後營收漲不少 已經有收視習慣的人大部分還是乖乖繳費吧

※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 08/16/2023 12:09:11

puritylife08/16 12:08最近串流都在漲 之後看正版的人都躲不掉的

zxvf08/16 12:09私立學校漲學費很正常

hsiung908/16 12:09太便宜了 多10倍差不多

protess08/16 12:10讓我們繼續檢討網飛

storyo1141308/16 12:11神奇思維 用戶減少就漲價不愧是政確的迪士尼

tyifgee08/16 12:11垃圾玩意…

s1032kj08/16 12:14洗粉

kansakiraru08/16 12:14迪士尼:缺錢逼我們不得不懲罰正版用戶

MonDaNai08/16 12:15正版受害者

dragonjj08/16 12:16往非我已經退訂了耶 下一個就是迪士尼了!

Edison117408/16 12:16賣不掉加價賣

starsheep01308/16 12:17小漲20%,笑死

scott03208/16 12:20只剩瓜皮還是有水可榨的

Rue16810108/16 12:21退訂囉 88

h7531141808/16 12:24看的人少還漲價

iamnotgm08/16 12:26這篇重點沒翻到 月費漲了但是年費沒有 年繳比較便宜

jagarandy08/16 12:26感覺像是政確漲價

nick8943180108/16 12:28Disney+又不是只有政確的可以看,夏日時光跟天國大

nick8943180108/16 12:28魔境表示......

e58708/16 12:28不訂就是騎士

adgbw872808/16 12:28畢竟是死忠的

twistfist08/16 12:30不是啊,網飛抓寄生那是完全沒付錢的就算跑掉也不虧,

twistfist08/16 12:30訂了算賺

twistfist08/16 12:31這漲兩成真的很勇欸

sony022309808/16 12:32整天拍爛片還好意思漲價?

kenkenken3108/16 12:33QQ

arthurhsu12308/16 12:35片這麼少還敢漲價啊

wfleowang08/16 12:38寵粉 給你更多的小泥鰍看

allen88688608/16 12:38是時候該退了,等有興趣的片上片再訂

ck32608/16 12:40惡性循環,漲價趕跑用戶,然後虧更多

peter666671208/16 12:43急了 再拍黑肥片啊

iqeqicq08/16 12:44迪士尼:開庭更賺,還穩賺不賠,懂?

tim520131408/16 12:45沒漲到一萬都很便宜

iqeqicq08/16 12:45史嘉蕾喬韓森只有跟老鼠法務和解而已

iqeqicq08/16 12:45老鼠則是花了和解金當封口費

iqeqicq08/16 12:46老鼠法務惹不起三種人:美國總統、小畢經濟公司、黑道

iqeqicq08/16 12:46更正,小碧經紀公司

wx19008/16 12:49美人魚虧太多?

syk110408/16 12:50都沒什麼東西看還漲...阿靠有大熊之後還有阿蘇卡,洛基QQ

speed702208/16 12:51恭喜回到有線年代

panzerschild08/16 12:54兩成叫小漲?

w45T54f08/16 13:01不死忠的早跑了 剩下的活該被割

Vulpix08/16 13:08他的算數跟我學的不一樣。我不會說27.3%是大約20%。

siro020708/16 13:10小漲20% 然後來個限時大優惠降10%

shawncarter08/16 13:10這垃圾我訂了第一年就再也不想訂了

sova080908/16 13:19一堆影集集數都要上不上補不齊還敢漲 台灣最好也趕快漲

sova080908/16 13:20我也好趁機退訂閱 這個平台越來越雞肋

fkukg5215508/16 13:45我們的sjw大作賺不到錢肯定是訂閱人付太少的關係

OlaOlaOlaOla08/16 13:54還敢漲價啊

ShaNe199308/16 13:57那是真的可以退訂了,更新速度超慢,也不像netflix

ShaNe199308/16 13:57至少買一堆版權堪用

LoliTube08/16 14:21還好我只看巴哈

egg78108/16 14:46亞馬遜我也是等黑袍有了才訂一個月來看,D+我打算比照

bloodruru08/16 14:54笑死 多了27% 說約20%

winterjoker08/16 14:54不是說大賺還好意思加價?

KingKingCold08/16 15:5713.99/10.99=127.3% 所以不是小漲20% 是微幅調漲27%

KingKingCold08/16 15:57比我想像得更寵粉 多寵了7% ^^

wowbenny08/16 15:57米老鼠表示:

wowbenny08/16 15:57下一個就是你了啊,台灣。

wowbenny08/16 15:57

圖 美國Disney+月費將((小漲))20%