Re: [手遊] Oldeus抄襲明日方舟阿米婭升變動畫
※ 引述《Napoleon313 (司辰)》之銘言:
: Oldeus抄襲明日方舟阿米婭升變動畫
: Oldeus抄襲版
: 原版
: 同步對比
: Oldeus推特原影片:Reveal Date Announcement
: Oldeus好像是做NFT漫畫平台的 主打鋼筆黑白動漫風
: 宣傳動畫幾乎完全照搬 明日方舟阿米婭升變動畫分鏡
: 哪段不抄 抄這段最讓人印象深刻的 2天就被抓包
: 就看鷹角會不會有動作了 應該有好戲可看
Greetings everyone — it has come to our attention that our recent trailer
bears a lot of resemblance to that of a scene from the Arknights trailer.
We are sharing this Twitter thread to address it. Please take your time to
read it.
During our search for high-quality creators, we settled on many of the same
team members who had worked on some of the world's best manga, anime, and
games, Arknights included.
Plagiarizing was never our intention. We wanted to take inspiration and
recreate Arknights' trailer — it's an impressive piece that aligns with the
standards we want to reach.
However, we do acknowledge that the similarity is too much and that the
criticism is warranted.
We accept the criticism and have made a commitment to pursue originality.
That starts with focusing on Oldeus's unique voice and image.
As for concerns regarding stolen content, we've attached WIP files that provethat the trailer has been produced from a blank canvas.
We have our own environment, our own characters, and our own lore.
這官方腦袋裝大便嗎 誰管你抄襲是空白開始抄還是直接改
致敬啦 那次不是致敬
Re: [情報] 四月社群日童偶熊Community Day Adjustments We also wanted to take a moment to discuss some changes to the Community Day format we’ll be testing. In 2020, we doubled the length of our Community Day events, extending them from three hours to six. Since then, however, we’ve found that only five percent of our Trainers tend to participate in the event for more than three hours. One of the biggest pieces of positive feedback that we received after January’s three-hour Community Day Classic was that players and community leaders noticed how much more of the community was out and about during the event. So, for Stufful Community Day, we’re returning to three-hour format. Our hope is that doing so will create even more opportunities for Trainers to play together and connect outside as they’re exploring. We know that Trainers have enjoyed all of the extra resources that can be collected during longer events, so we’re adding some new and exciting perks to Stufful Community Day to give you the ability to collect just as many resources during gameplay. Check them out below!79
[花邊] 湖人用戰術騙前隊友Rondo AD:這招你沒看過來源: 湖人記者Harrison Faigen推特 網址: According to AD, the Lakers apparently added a new ATO specifically just to trick/troll Rondo. Lmao this team. 根據AD的說法,湖人暫停後跑的一個新的戰術是特別設計來騙Rondo的。笑死~~14
[外絮]PSG FB連結: 在我們宣布完2022年的陣容後,發現各位粉絲有很多問題想要問我們 。我們想要盡我們所 能地回答關於陣容或是新一年策略的所有問題。 因此,我們將會在12月16日晚間9點在Discord上舉行中/英文有問必答。歡迎加入我們的Dis cord @: !10
[閒聊] Netflix官網上關於藝術呈現的聲明原文Entertaining the world is an amazing opportunity and also a challenge because viewers have very different tastes and points of view. So we offer a wide variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative. To help members make informed choices about what to watch, we offer ratings, content warnings and easy to use parental controls.
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