
看板C_Chat標題[情報]玩家對2077免費DLC不太滿意CDPR訴苦 作者
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CD Projekt Red has revealed the full patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077's
upcoming 1.3 patch, as well as details on the free DLC included with the
update—which despite costing nothing has not made a very positive impression
on some players.

Those new DLCs include two new jackets for V, an alternative appearance for
Johnny Silverhand, and a new vehicle, the Archer Quartz Bandit, which can be
purchased or earned as a reward.

"This is the first of our small DLCs," senior quest designer Patrick Mills
said during today's reveal livestream. "These are small DLCs. I have seen
people getting really hyped because, 'oh my god, DLCs are coming!' These are
small DLCs. We'll be releasing more later."

Senior level designer Miles Tost also emphasized that the DLCs are distinct
from the expansions planned for the future, an approach similar to that of
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which alongside two full-scale expansions—Hearts
of Stone and Blood and Wine—also enjoyed a slew of additional free content
including new quests, outfits, monster contracts, and more.

Mills acknowledged that "things have not gone exactly as planned" since the
launch of Cyberpunk 2077, which was such a mess (especially on consoles) thatit forced a complete overhaul of the post-launch roadmap and cancellation of
a planned multiplayer mode.

"[The livestream] is something that we're experimenting with, because we knowthat there's not been a lot of communication from us, certainly not clear
communication about what's going on with the project, where we are with
things, why are things taking so long?" he said. "This is an attempt to sort
of try to fix that situation."

Despite that plea for understanding, many Cyberpunk 2077 players were not in
a forgiving mood. The Twitch chat was filled with complaints about both the
extremely limited scope of the DLC and the plodding presentation, which
included developers slowly reading entire dialog windows. The reaction on
Reddit wasn't much better: xXDarkAceXx may have summed up the mood best when
they wrote, "Everyone did say to lower your expectations. But even with low
expectations this is pretty awful."

At this pace the game shouldn't have launched till at least 2022. This game
is still recovering from launch. It'll be forever until DLC comes out that
will make the game worth visiting again.August 17, 2021

Seen all the patch notes, I have to say this focus on cosmetic issues seems
like a PR strategy. Very disappointing. We, as players, have a great deal of
patience when it comes to bugs and visual glitches. We want better systems.
Crowd, NPC and police AI. Next gen update!

Perhaps sensing the dissatisfaction with the state of things eight months
after Cyberpunk 2077 was released, Tost also dropped some "sage developer
advice" on the difficulty of updating big, interconnected games like this one.

"People don't seem to be aware how difficult it is to create patches for a
game that has been already launched," he said. "It's a process that takes a
lot of 'finicking around' with existing systems. The main idea behind making
patches is of course to improve a game, and not to end up breaking it more.
How you need to imagine making fixes in a game works like is basically open
heart surgery, right? You have this whole system that's sort of been working,and you need to get in and try to fix stuff around stuff without making sure
everything else falls around it, or breaks around it."

"These fixes connect to so many other systems that turning one wheel
somewhere else will actually cause [something] somewhere else to fall off.
You need to make sure you don't mess with the entire system while you try to
improve the state of it overall, and that's why sometimes it can take much,
much longer to fix even small things than we anticipate."

But that explanation, while no doubt accurate, didn't elicit widespread
sympathy either. "They're spending half of the damn stream trying to make up
excuses and talking about how hard it is to patch a launched game, instead ofdiscussing what they're actually fucking doing to fix it," redditor
RemnantProductions wrote. "Maybe they shouldn't have launched the fucking
game in this state, then?"

Another, BootyGoonTrey, added, "Dev literally talking about how hard making
really ain't the time or place."

Some fans did express support for developers working on the game—a redditor
named wobmaster said CD Projekt should have just dropped the patch notes and
got on with things, because "anything besides 'we completely fixed the game
and here is a couple hours of DLC' would always come across as disappointing"—but as an effort to win players over, neither the patch nor CD Projekt's
presentation made a very good impression.

The 1.3 patch is a definitely a big one, with changes ranging from individualmission fixes and tweaks to minimaps fixes and the ability to reallocate perkpoints, which is a major improvement all on its own. There are a PC-specific
fixes too, including improved support for 8K resolution in tooltips, better
switching between windowed and fullscreen modes via alt-enter, and a more
compact version of the mouse cursor.

For anyone hoping it will completely fix the game, though, we have the same
advice we did after the 1.2 patch in April: Keep waiting. Cyberpunk 2077 was
released well before it was finished and a few patches, even big ones, aren'tgoing to result in a finished game, which could still be a couple years away.Evidence of that was seen in a gameplay segment during the livestream, when
an NPC enjoying a burger suddenly threw a T-pose:

Also absent from today's livestream was a release date for the 1.3 patch,
which is currently listed only as "coming soon." The full patch notes are up


Stadia平台上推出,將改進遊戲性、調整平衡,修復許多Bug問題。 並且包含免費DLC“

《賽博朋克2077》高級任務設計師Patrick Mills在Twitch上直播時表示:“這是我們的

高級關卡設計師Miles Tost強調稱,這些DLC與計劃中的未來擴展內容不同,其做法與《巫師3》類似,後者除了有兩款大型DLC“石之心”“血與酒”之外,還有很多免費DLC,

Mills承認《賽博朋克2077》推出後,後續工作並沒有完全按計劃進行。 因為這款遊戲發行後遇到很多問題,搞得一團糟。 CDPR被迫對未來路線圖進行了大改動,並取消了計劃中的多人模式。 他說:“在線直播是我們正在嘗試的方式,因為我們沒有與玩家深入溝

儘管他們懇請玩家理解,但許多人還是在Twitch上抱怨此次的免費DLC過小,更新介紹冗長,開發者回复太慢等等。 有人表示:“許多人說要降低對你們的期待值,但即便期待

或許是感受到人們對《賽博朋克2077》發售後的表現不太滿意,Tost解釋了更新這類大型遊戲的難度。 他說:“人們似乎沒有意識到為一款已發售的遊戲推出更新是多麼的困難







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※ 編輯: unlimit999 ( 臺灣), 08/18/2021 16:34:08

chen3150208/18 16:33反正我慢慢等

k96060808/18 16:34我們很努力了 你們要給我牡蠣好ㄇ

vsepr5508/18 16:35誰叫你們以前太努力

ryoma108/18 16:36CDPR:粗暴的言論大可不必

pinqooo08/18 16:36好了啦 閉嘴趕快修好嗎

OlaOlaOlaOla08/18 16:37不講話默默修嘴你們的人會少一點,看看無人深空,幹

OlaOlaOlaOla08/18 16:37你媽的我從來沒想過有一天我能拿無人深空嘴CDPR 時

OlaOlaOlaOla08/18 16:37代變了

saberr3308/18 16:37你知道博格之門3一年過去還在第一章嗎

Sunset022208/18 16:38阿自己要趕鴨子上架,怪誰,怪你媽生你出來啦

sai00778808/18 16:38跟暴雪一樣爛

fragmentwing08/18 16:39究竟能不能變下一個無人深空呢?

CAtJason08/18 16:41不能

※ 編輯: unlimit999 ( 臺灣), 08/18/2021 16:42:13

Tiyara08/18 16:41不要太不滿

mikuyoyo08/18 16:43他們員工真的蠻慘…

AbukumaKai08/18 16:45這種言論不健康 粗暴言論大可不必

john2990808/18 16:45那2077要跟博得3一樣掛搶先體驗嗎?

wolver08/18 16:46我比較低標 能像no man's sky一樣就好了

wolver08/18 16:46不要變成冒險聖歌就好了

undeadmask08/18 16:46DLC(X) 修BUG(O)

Y199908/18 16:47不要太不滿

dchain08/18 16:48修BUG還是新內容? 都擠?

dchain08/18 16:48反正觀眾就是我全都要

guogu08/18 16:49上巴哈查這三個dlc 就只是 外觀 裝備 跟一台車

guogu08/18 16:49馬的加這東西你跟我說什麼動到核心

benny61401708/18 16:50問題很不健康

k1k183200208/18 16:53畢竟為了推出遊戲而推出遊戲心態就是這樣

sezna08/18 16:53會那麼難是一開始就爛

Diver12308/18 16:53不要太不滿

doom308/18 16:55粗暴的言論大可不必

SeijyaKijin08/18 17:04我都當盤子衝首發了是要安怎w

lolpklol097508/18 17:05你各位玩家注意了,不要太不滿

blackstyles08/18 17:12哪家更新不是這樣 自己架構爛就說 不要笑死別人了

hunter003408/18 17:17MHR:First time?

Rivendare08/18 17:18這款真的可憐

dnek08/18 17:19論買斷制的優勢與劣勢

dnek08/18 17:25論買斷制的失敗之處

ga200622198508/18 17:26剛好前幾天重溫GTASA的時候裝MOD也搞壞了好幾款SA

ga200622198508/18 17:26,略懂略懂

Lisaaay08/18 17:34上市一周年到底能不能修好BUG然後推劇情DLC更新呢~

lanjack08/18 17:48拿NMS嘴CDPR真的沒想到有這一天xddd

tchaikov181208/18 17:52要是有一款持續營運、一年新增多個地圖和限時活動

tchaikov181208/18 17:52、遊玩免費靠賣角色賺錢的非買斷制開放世界遊戲就

tchaikov181208/18 17:52好了

kinghtt08/18 18:13限時免費算的話...GTAV還真的符合樓上條件

HansonBobo08/18 18:28免費的是在嫌什麼 又不是付費的

a204a21808/18 18:45笑死,玩家花錢買到半成品還得聽你們講自己多不容易

x94fujo608/18 18:47學一下你們前輩好嘛== 就乖乖閉嘴

b8504031208/18 20:25久了之後下次推新遊戲就不敢有免費 DLC 了

r8527060708/18 20:26不要變聖歌就好了

dydark08/18 21:00抱怨三小,一開始遊戲做好不就好了

logitech200408/18 23:49其實他是在抱怨前面的人程式寫的太爛