[閒聊] 原神全球收入突破30億鎂 每半年多10億

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 原神全球收入突破30億鎂 每半年多10億作者
時間推噓48 推:50 噓:2 →:20

Genshin Impact from miHoYo has surpassed $3 billion in global lifetime player spending across the App Store and Google Play since its official launch on September 28, 2020, Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data shows.

已在Google Play跟App Store累積超過30億美元營收

Following its worldwide release, the title took 171 days to generate its first $1 billion on mobile, not including spending through third-party Android stores. It then took an extra 195 days to accumulate a further $1 billion–resulting in the title picking up $2 billion in its first year alone. Genshin Impact crossed the $3 billion milestone 185 days later, meaning the game has averaged revenue of $1 billion every six months, making it one of the most successful mobile games of all time.


Analyzing the title using Sensor Tower’s new Monetization fields, in Q1 2022 it ranked as the No. 1 revenue generating Gacha-based mobile title globally, above titles such as Lineage W from NCSOFT and Uma Musume: Pretty Derby from Cyberagent. Genshin Impact regularly implements significant updates, introducing new gameplay features, areas to explore and characters to obtain, resulting in large spikes in revenue on average every three weeks. Since its launch, the title has ranked as the No. 3 revenue
generating mobile title globally, behind Honor of Kings from Tencent at No. 1 and PUBG Mobile–localized as Game For Peace in China–also from Tencent, at No. 2.

圖, 原神全球收入突破30億鎂 每半年多10億


排在騰訊的王者榮耀及和平精英(PUBG M)之後

China ranks as the No. 1 revenue generating country since Genshin Impact’s global launch, generating $973.3 million to date, or 30.7 percent of global player spending, on iOS alone (Sensor Tower does not track spending on third-party Android stores, such as those found in China). Japan ranks No. 2 with 23.7 percent of lifetime revenue, while the United States ranks No. 3 with 19.7 percent. While the title can be considered a global success, Genshin Impact generates most of its revenue in Asia, which
accounts for close to 70 percent of total player spending to date.




The App Store makes up the lion’s share of player spending, accounting for 65.7 percent of total revenue, thanks in large part due to revenue from iOS in China. Google Play, meanwhile, accounts for 34.3 percent of total player spending. Outside of China, the share of revenue is much closer, with the App Store accounting for 50.5 percent, while Google Play makes up 49.5 percent.

App Store佔了總營收的65.7%,Google Play則是34.3%


Genshin Impact continues to be one of the world’s most lucrative mobile games, having consistently brought in $1 billion every six months on average. Players remain highly engaged, with average worldwide monthly active users in Q1 2022 up by approximately 44 percent year-over-year. Its success has been powered by miHoYo’s impressive live ops strategy, which has put the title well on track to hit the $4 billion landmark later this year.



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lucky041705/05 09:56有70%都是亞洲玩家>>>亞洲玩家都是盤子

hyakkiyagyo05/05 09:58在iOS課金真的盤到有剩

speed702205/05 10:00怪物彈珠這麼強?

hank8117705/05 10:01反觀

fhirdtc98c05/05 10:02天堂的cp值好高喔 複製貼上一樣賺爛

KrystalSica05/05 10:03天W只靠台韓兩國衝到第二www

Lass1n05/05 10:04怎麼都沒內鬼爆料pc跟ps4端的營收

nanachi05/05 10:07真的很猛

Nevhir05/05 10:07天W錢花超兇 反倒原神一個月才130

shiochris05/05 10:07原又贏。贏麻了。

doremon129305/05 10:07賺這麼多錢 不請一個好一點的策劃跟營運

s92161905/05 10:09天W太猛了吧

iam071805/05 10:11天W台灣那些實況主應該貢獻超大

jaye5e5e5e505/05 10:12好玩遊戲每天要玩

Safir05/05 10:14這收入圖我覺得天W更強

joe19927705/05 10:15天堂w比原神厲害

dafeichai05/05 10:16天堂真的給盤子玩的

SaberMyWifi05/05 10:17這還不算PC跟家機喔,加上去的話 喔買尬

cloud751505/05 10:18PC跟家機玩家更多吧 怕

shinobunodok05/05 10:19天堂W告訴你什麼叫用最少的資源 和用最少的地區 賺

shinobunodok05/05 10:19最多的錢

ltytw05/05 10:20畢竟有妹子 天堂w的妹醜醜

poeoe05/05 10:23當初完全沒想到會這麼成功

poeoe05/05 10:23這太狂了

ASEVE05/05 10:24PC應該更多,PC還有跨區課的優勢

Strasburg05/05 10:27畢竟原神黑最多的都在中國跟台灣

iam071805/05 10:27天W玩的人數對比原神 每個人平均課金量肯定很猛

F230792505/05 10:29天堂W:

trtrtradam05/05 10:30天堂w才是最猛的吧 不用認真做遊戲 靠盤子商法賺到第

trtrtradam05/05 10:30二名

npc77605/05 10:31(╮′_>`)<是那個盤子花一百萬只為了驗證卡池的遊戲?

HydraGG05/05 10:34日本就不知道貢獻多少了

Gwaewluin05/05 10:352.7大概可能要等到年底封城結束才能生出來,長草這麼久

Gwaewluin05/05 10:35玩家都跑光了,就算普通手游也知道至少每兩周就要推出

Gwaewluin05/05 10:35新活動讓玩家有事做,玩家跑光了收入也沒有了,這樣即

Gwaewluin05/05 10:35使封城結束想做新東西也會變得沒資金開發,現在已經完

Gwaewluin05/05 10:35全是電梯直下的惡性循環了

Gwaewluin05/05 10:39下半年衝40億?下半年長草到還有玩家願意留下就該偷笑了

Irenicus05/05 10:39加上PC跟PS端 我看上看百億鎂 然後版本還是生不出來

shinobunodok05/05 10:40上海有硬派到要封到年底?

imsaint05/05 10:41依原神課金需求有這成績 玩家人數真的海放

speedingriot05/05 10:42曠野2都延到2023了,原神大型更新當然也延到2023

B040209005/05 10:42盤子可憐

trtrtradam05/05 10:43上海真的封到年底會很嗨吧

anpinjou05/05 10:44馬娘只有日本還殺成這樣才是真的可怕吧

Irenicus05/05 10:47原神盤子玩家感覺也很多啊 推特上動不動就看到日本人在

Irenicus05/05 10:47曬滿命滿專武的新角 不愧是課金始祖國

Irenicus05/05 10:48如果是跟天堂W比盤當然被海放就是了

Submariner05/05 10:49天堂只靠台韓衝第二(X)

Submariner05/05 10:49全世界只有台韓吃這套(O)

kinuhata05/05 10:53原神也是靠砸錢下去的技術跟持續更新內容才有這成績 反

kinuhata05/05 10:53觀天堂靠著IP情懷還只有台韓兩國就衝到第二 根本盤中之

kinuhata05/05 10:54

awenracious05/05 10:59這種風格歐美不愛吧

ke011905/05 11:03怪獸彈珠才強吧,我看還可以再戰十年喔

metallolly05/05 11:06天堂賺爛了

s92161905/05 11:08天堂真的猛 客群比起其他應該相對是比較少的 竟然能第二

s92161905/05 11:08名 真的很厲害 wwwwwwww

zxc233118905/05 11:10超爽

Aurestor05/05 11:11前三名只有兩個認真在做遊戲 天堂真的賺爛

shinobunodok05/05 11:21才剛說完 原神就說要搖快一個月的飲料 神里卡池超

shinobunodok05/05 11:21絕延長 真的涼拌了

journey1605/05 11:30神!神!神!宇宙神遊!

gak0526205/05 11:42天堂w真的有夠盤

philip8150105/05 12:18粉粉玩出了優越感 不愧是宇宙第一神遊

kiplove11405/05 12:26和當初FGO粉一樣 營收高吹翻天

twic05/05 12:37超級猛耶

jaeomes05/05 12:38天堂為什麼那麼多人去課啊…

sustto05/05 14:04垃圾手遊

doomsday072805/05 15:04宇宙神遊

a71y24205/06 04:19天堂花個1百萬都沒什麼水花

todo63538705/06 04:34光手機端就30億鎂,算上PC和PS應該有60億鎂了