[情報] 2023/04/25 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 4月 25
You were born with many wonderful gifts, Moonchild. And right now, one of those gifts could be of great use to a person or a situation. You can see this, and yet you are not raising your hand to volunteer your assistance. Why? If this is meaningful to you, then sharing your talents would be both beneficial to others and fulfilling for you. If you don't think that what you have to offer is important enough, you should think again. It's just that it comes to you sonaturally that you don't see its value. You are encouraged to step up!
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/24貓咪可以毫無顧忌地沿著樓梯扶手或窗台行走。這並不是因為它們對自己的能力有多”自 信”。更可能是因為它們天生就有著某些能力,而平衡與敏捷是它們擁有的自然天賦之一 。它們不需要去思考這些,因為這是與生俱來的本能。但人類有時會傾向於過度思考問題 。你現在可能過度思考著一些事,阿牛。你可能會擔心自己無法勝任一個工作或演講,但 你有著與生俱來的天賦。今天要認知到這點,如果你不想太多,讓它自然流露,就會變得6
[情報] 3/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 31 2021 The greatest gifts are not always prettily wrapped up with silky paper and exquisite ribbons, Capricorn. Sometimes they are simply there for you as the answer to a need or a deep desire. If you overlook such a gift, or you refuse to accept it because you don't feel worthy of it, it is a waste of the6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/26今天要記住一件事,你不是在和他人競爭以獲得你想要的東西。沒有別人擋著你,儘管它 看起來是這樣。你唯一的競爭者是你自己,阿牛。如果你允許自己發光發熱,並且展現自 己的天賦,你就會脫穎而出。不要羞於分享你的特殊之處。為了體現你想要的東西,這是 你需要去做的。 ——5
[情報] 3/26 Daily HoroscopeYou are encouraged to show off who you are today, Capricorn. No, not what you have. No, not who your friends are. You! Show off what makes you so special. S how off your intelligence, your kindness, your thoughtfulness, and your unique gifts and talents. There is someone around you who would really love to see a ll the special things about you, and there is nothing wrong with flaunting it3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/09這個世界是由有著廣泛才能的人所組成的。雖然在我們當中有少數人有著多種領域的天賦 ,但大多數人都是在少數幾個特定的領域中有著很強的能力。例如你可能在數學方面很出 色,但卻不是那麼擅長縫紉,阿牛。或者比起分析能力,你可能更有創造力。你明白這點 ,但認識到自己在某方面有多優秀是非常重要的。專注在你與生俱來的天賦,不要去哀嘆 那些你沒有的,充分使用自己的天賦吧。這個提醒對即將到來的機會來說相當重要。2
[情報] 07/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen you bake a cake, there are certain ingredients you must use in certain proportions for the cake to come out right. It's as much about science as it is about art. When preparing a full meal, you have more leniency in how to mix and match various flavors and ingredients. You can go completely off your intuition if cooking is a talent of yours. You may1
[情報] 04/27 the daily horoscopeSomeone who presents an air of authority can walk into a situation, take charg e, and inspire confidence in others - even if that person has no clue what the y are doing. On the other hand, someone with all the knowledge and talent, but no confidence, may not be able to take charge because of a lack of confidence in themselves and because no one else will believe in them. Sometimes it isn'1
[情報] 05/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe very best leaders are those who can see and understand the value of even the smallest cog in the wheel. If you are asked to step into a leadership role, you will be quite capable and well-liked. You know how to make everyone feel involved and valued, and you have a knack for both spotting talent and nurturing it and spotting issues, and efficiently- When other people are looking up to you and admiring your gifts - including people that you find very impressive - you can still find a way sometimes to see yourself in a less-than-flattering light. You focus on your faults, and you wonder why others can't see them too. But others aren't focusing on those minor issues that bother you so much, Moonchild.
- You may be focusing on some talent or skill you wish you had, while overlookin g the many gifts that you have been given. And right now, Gemini, you could pu t one of those wonderful gifts to good use. Even though you may be seeking out help or a favor from someone else to accomplish something important, you need to recognize that you are fully capable of getting this done on your own. You