[情報] 2024/11/18 Daily Horoscope
You may have woken up this morning to a feeling of being under a dark cloud, or even a sense of doom and gloom. Maybe you had a bad dream, dear Cancer, or perhaps you are not happy with where your life is right now in general. You are usually very intuitive, but you happen to be wrong right now. What you're feeling has more to do with losing hope than your actual circumstances, which are about to improve significantly - whether you believe it or not. Try to shakeyourself out of the doldrums and get ready for things to improve quite dramatically.
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[情報] 10/26 the daily horoscopeAll you have to do to escape a bad dream is to wake up. When you open your eye s and realize it was just a dream, there is an immediate realization that it w as not real. You are now in a situation in actual life that feels a bit like a bad dream, but you can't just open up your eyes and make it go away - or can you, dear Gemini? Perhaps you can. That's because your imagination is fueling- Will you make a wish tomorrow evening as 2020 melts into 2021? You may already be thinking about what your hopes are for the year ahead, dear Moonchild. But even if you have a deep well of hope and faith, your present circumstances may cause you to feel that your wishes will never be granted. But keep in mind that sometimes when we least expect good fortune,