[情報] 2025/01/14 Daily Horoscope
You've been following a path for a long time now, hoping to achieve somethingthat's important to you. Recently you have come to see that your path has ledyou right to the edge of a high cliff, and there's nowhere to go. You can't sprout wings. The only thing you can do is to camp right there or turn around, and neither of these options is appealing. However, dear Moonchild, your message today is one of great hope. You should soon see that a plea you made to theuniverse is going to be answered. Don't give up hope. Look for the signs. An auspicious new path is opening up for you.
[情報] 04/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 19 2022 你旅行一直沿著的道路看似有一條平行的話, 你常常想到那條路, 你花了很多時間想如果你選擇了另一條路, 事情會變得多麼不一樣,4
[情報] 07/05 the daily horoscopeWater always finds its own path. It goes where it flows without having to anal yze it. That's the way life should feel for you now, Gemini. You are entering onto a new path - one of your choosing - but there are many options for gettin g there. This is an exciting time for you, and it can bring great abundance an d good fortune into your life. But don't force anything. Flow like water, and3
[情報] 12/15(二)DailyHoroscope或許很快就會有跡象顯示,有些你認為乏味無趣的人,其實比你以為的更有吸引力。對方是你想多認識的人嗎?如果是的話,別再拘泥於先前的印象了。開啟你們的溝通,找到你們的共通點。有時宇宙會在我們的道路上安置命中註定的人們,就為了一些正向的理由。如果你有這樣的感覺,就建立起你們的友誼吧。親愛的獅子們,這或許會引發一些很特別的事喔。 ---------------- 原文: Someone you might have dismissed as dull or uninteresting may soon show signs of being far more intriguing than you would have imagined. Is this someone you will want to get to know? If so, don't stand on precedent. Open up a conversation. Find out what you might have in common. The universe sometimes puts people in our path that are meant to be there for some positive reason. If you have that feeling, strike up a friendship. It may lead to something very special, dear Leo.2
[情報] 26/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeWalking through one door instead of another can make a big difference in what happens next. Catching the wrong train can result in good fortune that you would not have experienced if you caught the right train. Sometimes a mistake or a random decision can lead to something truly auspicious. If you are hoping for some kind of a miracle now, Moonchild,2
[情報] 02/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may be afraid of not fulfilling your purpose here on earth, dear Moonchild. This may be something that has always been a concern, but you may be especially preoccupied by this thought right now. As you get older, and you don't accomplish what you believe you are here to do, it can begin to feel like a failure. You may wonder what opportunities you may have2
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeIf there is a thought that makes you happy, concentrate on that today. And wha tever you do, don't let any impediments to that thought block you from feeling happy about it. For example, if it's a thought about something you hope for, don't let thoughts about why it can't work out or any problems you could have enter your mind. Chase any negatives out immediately, dear Gemini, and just fo2
[情報] 09/04 the daily horoscopeYou have started to notice changes in an endeavor you took on some time ago, d ear Gemini. This scares you because you thought things were going along very w ell and that you were headed toward success. Now that you are seeing signs tha t seem to indicate something has changed, however, you are worried about the o utcome not being what you imagined it would be. Yet these things may not be ch1
[情報] 07/16 the daily horoscopeNew information on a partnership or an investment of some kind of your time, m oney, or your talent could lead you down a path you had not anticipated. You m ay even have to change direction, Gemini, if you have already set out to begin . But that's a good thing because now you will know where you are going. Whene ver the universe gifts you with information, it's a good thing because it give1
[情報] 09/13 the daily horoscopeA certain detour on the road of life may seem like an inconvenience at first, dear Gemini, but it could turn into a truly special experience. Something may not be going according to plan right now, which is why you might be worried. Y ou have been forced to pause, take a step back, and reevaluate your options, p ossibly looking for an alternative path to your desired destination. But every- If you are looking for reassurance, comfort, and hope today, dear Leo, take a good look around you. If you are longing for some kind of a sign that you are important and protected by the universe, the evidence is there if you choose t o see it. You may have sent many requests out recently asking for things you n eed to make your life better, and you may see signs that you are important, yo