[情報] 2023/03/27 Daily Horoscope
如果你想要一些重要的東西 - 一個完美的家,一輛好車,努力追求成功或其他任何事情- 請記住,即使生活中充滿了有時令人不快的經歷,你的生活也應該是幸福和充實的。
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 3月 27
There is nothing wrong with wanting "more" in your life. As long as what you want doesn't hurt others, then why would there be anything wrong with having high aspirations? If you want something big - a perfect home, a nice car, success in your endeavors, or anything else - remember that your life should be happy and fulfilling, even if it is full of sometimes unpleasant lessons. But if you don't feel worthy of what it is you want right now, Moonchild, it's like locking the door that stands between you and what you want. Be conscious of this today, and remember that happiness is your birthright.
[情報] 11/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 26 2020 No one could ever accuse you of being an underachiever, Capricorn. You have probably been a no-nonsense go-getter from a very early age. And when you want something, you don't just aim high - you create an efficient plan that will see you through from the beginning to the end of your mission. But you6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/12如果今天很念舊的話,給自己一個機會,讓自己徜徉在回憶裡吧。回顧那些讓你充滿溫暖 、快樂和希望的時光,這會激勵並給你動力讓你重新在現實找回這樣的感覺。因為工作、 關係和問題讓你很輕易地就會偏離軌道,因為你太專注在這些問題上,而忘記自己生活中 也擁有的巨大幸福,阿牛,今天努力點燃自己的靈感吧。 ——5
[情報] 05/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 24 2022 當你很有錢會比較容易快樂,對嗎? 你可能會贊同這個理論,魔魔, 你非常想要在生活中尋找安全感, 也樂意為此努力。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/02在人生的某個階段,我們之中的許多人都曾羨慕過別人的的生活抑或是他的生活方式。這 不一定是因為你對別人的成功感到反感,更像是你希望這些發生在自己身上。你現在可能 在覬覦周圍某人擁有的東西,也許你能看見他們並不像你一樣值得擁有,如果是這樣的話 可能會讓你感覺更糟糕。所以別再想下去了,阿牛。請意識到整個宇宙都在關心你,最好 的祝福絕對會在正確的時刻踏進你的生活中,它將會讓一切變好的。3
[情報] 02/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere is something that you want that you have not admitted you want, perhaps because you feel it is a greedy wish. But ask yourself this, Moonchild: Is this something that can bring happiness to your life? Is it something that can fulfill you in some way? Is it an indulgence of some kind - something you deserve because you have been working hard or because3
[情報] 08/29 the daily horoscopeDo you remember the time in your life when you were at your happiest? It may b e hard to recall. In fact, Gemini, it may feel like another lifetime ago. Ther e have been challenges recently, and you have been focused on them, possibly w ith intensity. We all yearn in certain moments to go back in time to places, a nd situations that we recall as having been trouble-free. But memory can be ve2
[情報] 01/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeEveryone has moments when things are not going well and self-blame begins. But we were not put on this earth to be perfect. We all have a lifelong learning experience. If something in your life is not working out, and you are struggling with guilt or regret for making the wrong decisions or for failing to do what you think you should have done, don't beat yourself up2
[情報] 02/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may be afraid of not fulfilling your purpose here on earth, dear Moonchild. This may be something that has always been a concern, but you may be especially preoccupied by this thought right now. As you get older, and you don't accomplish what you believe you are here to do, it can begin to feel like a failure. You may wonder what opportunities you may have1
[情報] 01/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou might feel guilty wanting more than you have right now, Moonchild. You are quite introspective, always analyzing your own motives and wondering where you might have gone wrong. You are your own worst critic. But there is nothing to be ashamed about in wanting something more than you have, even if you already have a lot. So, if someone tries to make you feel1
[情報] 02/03 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 3 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 3 Someone may try to project blame onto you for something that they did wrong. T his may be the result of misunderstood advice or a constructively delivered op inion. When someone blames you over whatever it is that is wrong in their life