[情報] 2023/09/09 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期六 9月 9
You are someone who may sometimes cloister yourself away from places that don't feel right to you. You long for and are drawn to people, places, and experiences that feel familiar to you, dear Moonchild. You are extraordinarily sensitive, and being in environments and around people who offer comfort is what makes you feel most secure. But every place you visit, every person you know, and everything you do once began as a new experience. Today, be brave enough to take a leap that feels unfamiliar. You will grow accustomed to it and be happyvery soon.
[情報] 10/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 01 2021 人們總是注意著你, 你一直被人欣賞著, 你也能感覺到別人被你吸引, 魔魔,你的自信應該會油然而生。5
[情報] 1/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2021 Your comfort zone might be the easiest place to hang out today, even though an invitation or obligation might be pushing you to leave it. It is always tempting to stay where we feel safe and secure and where we know we won't be challenged, Capricorn, but those are the places that don't usually spur us on4
[情報] 1006 DailyHoroscopeYour most common and familiar routines give you a sense of comfort and continu ity. This is true for many people, Capricorn, but it is especially true for yo u. And not only does having a reliable routine make you feel soothed and secur e; it also enhances your success in many ways. But be careful today that you a ren't getting so mired in a routine that you don't notice brilliant chances to4
[情報] 23/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeThe term "staycation" has become quite popular recently. People were beginning to realize more profoundly how wonderful their own home environment could be with the love and nurturing and time they might spend fantasizing about someplace more exotic. You have always known this though, Moonchild. Yours is the sign of the home, and your home is truly at the4
[情報] 04/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 01 2022 當你跨出舒適圈會有焦慮與憂心的感覺, 因為你不再知道該期待些什麼, 因為你進入了不熟悉的領域。 但今天別讓這件事阻礙你嘗試新的或不同的東西,魔魔,3
[情報] 06/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeAlthough there may be unlimited room in your heart for loving and caring about good people, dear Cancer, there is only so much room in your schedule. There may be many people you would like to converse with or make plans with right now, but you have other obligations that you also need to attend to. Don't let someone make you feel so guilty that you cram them2
[情報] 11/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe world is always changing, and it has been changing since the beginning of time. That's why we cling so tightly to old friendships, family, traditions, and familiar things that bring us comfort. You are especially nostalgic in this way, dear Moonchild. Right now, you may find yourself in the midst of a change in your life, and you may be fighting against it or2
[情報] 12/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeAs a hyper-sensitive Moonchild, you are far more prone to stress than other people may be. You simply feel things more deeply and more intensely. And when something stressful happens, you may react in a more agitated way. But because you are a kind person who wishes to please others, the agitation you express makes you feel even worse. But if you think about it2
[情報] 3/1 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 1 2021 Most people take great comfort in their routines. There is something reassuring about doing certain things all the time, or doing things in a certain way because you know what the results will be. But every now and then, a chance comes along to try something different, Capricorn. Don't turn1
[情報] 03/22 the daily horoscopeThings that are new - relationships, jobs, homes, and so on - may not feel war m and familiar at first. It takes time to get used to them, to work them into a routine, to experience the kind of comforting moments that make it feel righ t. And then there are other things that feel warm and familiar right away. And when something feels familiar right away, you might automatically trust it. T