[情報] 2025/01/17 Daily Horoscope
You may be lacking confidence in something you are working on now. You may beseeking reassurance and validation from others, Cancer, but you need to be very careful about that. Although you are an honest and honorable individual, not everyone shares your good characteristics. Someone may try to influence you today by capitalizing on your lack of confidence and guiding you in a direction that benefits them instead of you - or what you are working on. Use discretion in who you trust and have more faith in yourself.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/15你可能會覺得相當洩氣,並且覺得自己現在只是在一個曾經對你意義重大的計劃中滑行。 你那爆發的巨大野心可能在短時間內就變得幾乎無感。親愛的阿牛。但為什麼呢?是因為 你沒有獲得你所崇拜的人的認可?那個你所期待的人?如果是這樣的話,你可能會失去信 心。但這是個好機會,讓你用對自己的信心來填補吧,你並不用真的需要他人的認可。 ——5
[情報] 20/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe confidence you have in your ability to complete a certain mission is enviable, and it may even give you an advantage with those who can help you boost your mission. But at the same time, Moonchild, it may be a lot to take on by yourself. There could be someone else, though, who both envies and admires your prowess but lacks the confidence to take on the4
[情報] 12/19 Daily HOroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 19 2020 When a person is lacking in confidence or faith in themselves, they may be fearful of sharing an idea that they feel is brilliant because they don't want to be put down or rejected. They may also become afraid to ask questions when they don't understand something for fear of looking foolish. No matter3
[情報] 0928 DailyHoroscopeYou may have felt pretty darn good - at first, at least - about a goal you too k on. But since then, Capricorn, someone has pointed out all the reasons that this could fail. Now your confidence is eroding rapidly, and you may not have the same great hope you had for this in the beginning. But who is that someone ? You have a really good sense about this sort of thing. You need to trust the3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/17跟你一起工作或以某種方式打交道的某人似乎擁有所有的答案。他們的虛張聲勢令人印象 深刻,這可能會讓你認為他們真的知道自己在做什麼。自信能夠做到這點。但只因他們表 現出知識淵博或精通事物的那一面,並不意味他們就真的是這樣。事實上,阿牛,你可能 比他們懂得更多。要對自己有信心,相信自己心裡所知道的,不要讓別人的假想權威嚇倒 或威脅到你。你認為正確的事情或許就是對的。1
[情報] 04/27 the daily horoscopeSomeone who presents an air of authority can walk into a situation, take charg e, and inspire confidence in others - even if that person has no clue what the y are doing. On the other hand, someone with all the knowledge and talent, but no confidence, may not be able to take charge because of a lack of confidence in themselves and because no one else will believe in them. Sometimes it isn'1
[情報] 05/30 the daily horoscopeYou may be working with and relying on someone in a partnership role or a team effort. This person's confidence may give you a good sense of confidence abou t what you are working toward together. But take a close look, Gemini. Is that person confident - or overconfident? If it is the latter, you may need to be extra vigilant to be sure nothing is going wrong. Confidence is always good, b1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/30是不是正在為某件事情尋求幫助呀,阿牛?不過,你真的有需要這個幫助嗎?你不是一再地對自己強調自己有能力去處理在眼前的事嗎?也許你現在沒有完整的自信,但是這也不會因為詢問他人的意見或協助而提升。只有自己獨力去做才有辦法真正地建立自信。你可能會犯錯。你可能會需要再試一次。但是世界不會就此滅亡。就去試吧。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Aug 30 You may be seeking help for something now, Taurus, but do you really need the help? Haven't you been telling yourself that you are capable of handling the matter in front of you? You may not have complete confidence at this point, but that surely won't come by asking others for their opinions or their assistance. The only way to truly build the confidence you need is to take this on by yourself. You could make a mistake. You might have to try again. But that certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. Try it. --1
[情報] 04/03 the daily horoscopeDoubt can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's good when it stirs up concerns that something is wrong and can be made better. But it can be a very damaging thing when it's coming from your own insecurity and lack of confidence in your self - freezing you up. The question for you now, dear Gemini, is which kind o f doubt are you experiencing as you think about an endeavor that you are about1
[情報] 06/22 the daily horoscopeWhen you are lacking in confidence or concerned about how something will appea r, even a compliment can seem suspicious. You might come up with negative assu mptions about the true meaning of what was said. You might, for example, inter pret a compliment in such a way as to believe it is simply coming out of pity. But you can rest assured that the accolades you receive today over something