[情報] 2023/06/20 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 6月 20
There were certain elements in your life that were always there, or at least it seemed so. At the time, Moonchild, you did not fully appreciate all that you had or the good that came from it. One could say that you may have taken it for granted, not treasuring it for what it was. That's one of the faults of human nature. Sometimes we don't know how great something is until it's gone. But you can learn from that and move on to something that will bring you joy again. Something has changed, and you miss it terribly. But if you have learned appreciation, you can evolve into something good once more. Be open to that.
[情報] 12/21-12/27 Daily Horoscope 週運Capricorn horoscope for Dec 21 - Dec 27 2020 You are ordinarily a cautious person, Capricorn. The adage about measuring twice and cutting once was designed for you. But sometimes opportunities come along that don't allow time for investigating every aspect, as you prefer to do. If a great moment arrives where you can begin a new venture, and it's4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/16如果你最近因為某件事沒有按照你所做的付出順利進行感到不公平,千萬不要讓這樣的情緒繼續發酵,因為那有可能會讓你變得很自私。若是出自於自私自利的態度,是沒有辦法在生命中創造出美好的東西來的,阿牛。大家都有顧影自憐的時候。在努力了那麼久又如履薄冰地試圖達成一件事的時候,要變得充滿懷疑是非常簡單的。試著把它當作一種挑戰而不是某種成就吧。莫再沉浸於悔恨裡,任其將你淹沒。相反的,由它來啟發你處理更偉大的事物。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 16 If you are feeling resentful because something has not panned out for you despite great effort, don't allow that thought to evolve further, for it may eventually make you cynical. And you can't create great things in your life by looking at things from a cynical point of view, Taurus. Everyone has moments of self-pity. It is easy to become skeptical when you try hard for something and you struggle to make it happen. But let it be a challenge instead of a millstone. Don't drag around your resentment, or it will bring you down. Let it inspire you to tackle bigger things instead. --4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/08你的汽車中可以有油,但它只有在你需要去某個地方時才有用。你現在擁有處置的權力, 阿牛,但你知道的。但如果你不控制這個有著巨大潛力的狀況,這個潛力與它潛在的利益 都將會失去。你得到的機會不會永遠等待著,如果它吸引了你,那就採取行動。掌控它吧 。如果你保持正確的態度且不浪費時間的話,這可能會改變你的生活。 願你健康,並且生活平靜且充實,也希望你的生活充滿快樂與喜悅。新年快樂!3
[情報] 0205 DailyHoroscopeTreasuring a good memory can bring a wonderful feeling of warmth. It can valid ate that happiness exists. But when you compare what once was with what is tod ay, it isn't a fair comparison. Our fondest memories have usually been subcons ciously edited to leave out the bad stuff, so the time and events we recall al l seem perfect even though it may not have been. Don't allow the past to compe2
[情報] 05/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhat's the difference between a good day and a bad day, Moonchild? You might, off the cuff, say a good day is a day when good things happen, and a bad day is when things go wrong. And while those elements can contribute to how your day goes, it is up to you to choose to make a day good, and sometimes it requires real concentration. If you are dreading an upcoming2
[情報] 26/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeIt is easy to have patience and to dig in when learning somthing new when it involves a topic that is of great interest to you. Studying something you find boring can be terribly monotonous. You may soon have to learn something new that may not seem all that exciting, dear Cancer, and you may be dreading it. But since this course of study can1
[情報] 11/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeLooking for a rainbow will not cause one to suddenly materialize, Moonchild. We don't have that kind of power over nature no matter how positively we think. But if you start looking for rainbows, you are more likely to notice them when they do appear. And what's more, you begin to recognize that another rainbow will appear at some point in your life,1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 02/01在某個不確定的狀況下,迷霧正在散去。 給自己一個免於擔憂的自由,阿牛,那正是你需要的。雖然某個剛開始的局面看起來有點 混亂,但你需要相信真相正在浮現,前進的道路將會更加明顯。在那道路出現前保持放鬆 吧。如果你試著專注在一個還沒完全確認的狀況,那對你沒有任何好處。但它會的,只要 保持警覺,並對你將要開始學習的事物保持開放心態。一切都會很好的。