[情報] 2023/05/15 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 5月 15
Ambitious people sometimes create dream boards that offer a constant reminderof their hopes and goals. They might cover a wall at home with pictures and
words that relate to what they want, and those things help them stay focused,motivated, and inspired to keep reaching for their dreams. As an imaginative
Cancer, you probably have a lot of big dreams. If you are having a hard time
rfocusing on and pushing for what you envision, there are ways you can stay
inspired. It's important to do this now, since you are entering a time when
manifesting what you want will be easier.
[情報] 21/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling deeply emotional now, Cancer, and for you, that can be as deep as the ocean. Cancer people tend to be very emotional, and your emotions ebb and flow all the time, but now it may seem that every little thing draws greater waves of emotion. You are on the precipice of an extremely creative period. Allow yourself to5
[情報] 08/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be putting a lot of pressure on yourself now (as you usually do) to finally complete a major mission. You might think that you have dawdled for too long, dear Cancer. Perhaps you think that you have allowed this to be cast into the realm of dreams because you haven't taken steps to make this a reality. Actually, that isn't true. You are just being hard on3
[情報] 16/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf there is some whimsical, fantastical dream you think about from time to time, Moonchild, this is a perfect time to make a wish for it. Although your realistic thoughts might steer you away from considering this in a serious way, and you may only see it as fodder for your dreams, you are now entering a realm where very unusual things are possible and where3
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeThere are certain big dreams and goals that you would like to accomplish "one day." And of course, Gemini, that one day always exists in the future. But lif e moves rapidly, and pretty soon there are so many days gone that could have b een used to further your goals and your dreams. There is one particular thing you wish to accomplish that you have been thinking about a lot lately. What ar2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/12是不是感覺還有很多目標,甚至是遠大的夢想是你應該去追求的?然而,你卻也感覺到深陷在不作為的泥沼中?你的夢想或許有如一灘死水,而你可能也不覺得有必要去改變現狀,即使你是渴望去得到更多的,阿牛。有時候,靈感會莫名其妙地乍現並帶給你動力。可惜的是,這並沒有發生,你得要自己去追尋靈感。當你保持開放的心胸並不斷地追尋,它就會來敲門。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jul 12 You probably feel like there are a couple of goals, or even a really big dream, that you should be pursuing. But you also may feel stuck in the quagmire of inaction. Your dreams may be stagnant, and you may not feel compelled to go beyond this current state - even though you are longing for more, Taurus. Sometimes inspiration comes out of the blue and gets you motivated. But if that isn't happening now, you need to go out in search of inspiration yourself. It will come to you if you are open to it and are actively seeking it. --2
[吃草] Day horoscope 2021/08/19是不是有個人在跟你說他們想要什麼,並用著一種強硬的方式?不過,阿牛,這可能有更深層的意涵。他們要不是害怕去揭露自己真正在追求著什麼,就是連自己真正需要什麼也不知道。或許你今天必須得像一個教練一樣,多多激勵某人的目標和夢想,以及幫助他們想出辦法去實現。但這也是一件好事。也許藉此也能幫助你釐清自己的目標或夢想呢。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 19 Someone may be telling you what they want, and they may be doing this very emphatically. However, Taurus, there may be a lot more to it. Either they are afraid to reveal what they are really going after, or they aren't even aware of what they want themselves. You might have to be almost like a life coach today, coaxing out someone's goals and dreams and helping them figure out how to get there. But that can be a pretty good thing. It might even help you clarify your own goal or dream.1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeThe people who eventually find big success in life know exactly where they are going. From the outside looking in, they seem confident and sure of what they have to do to achieve their dreams. But that is not always the reality, Gemin i. You have a plan or a dream for yourself, but you may not have the certainty about it that you think you should have. That does not mean you won't find su