[情報] 2024/02/19 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 2月 19
You may have found that people often turn to you for advice, even when they're dealing with something very difficult. It isn't just because you're very wise and insightful, dear Moonchild. It isn't just because you can offer keen, intuitive guidance. It is mostly because of your warm, welcoming, and loving personality. They know you care, that you won't judge, and that, on top of that, they will come away feeling better, stronger, and more inspired. Who do you turn to when you need advice? If no one can match what you can give right now, then do this for yourself!
[情報] 4/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 29 2021 Someone may be offering you advice for a dilemma you are facing. Yet, you may believe they can't possibly have a valid opinion since they have not walked in your shoes. You may completely dismiss any guidance or advice you receive because of this, Capricorn. But although they may not understand everything4
[情報] 2/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 19 2021 A sensitive soul may seek you out today for guidance or advice. While you are very good at giving direction because of your natural talent for seeing things from all angles, Capricorn, you might want to soften any harsh thoughts that might come to you. You can accomplish a lot more today by4
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 07 2021 在你生命中的某人視你為智慧的泉源, 他們今天或很快會來向你尋求重要的建議,魔魔。 雖然你總是樂意幫助你關心的人, 但記住在某些情況下這麼做會有反效果,4
[情報] 06/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 01 2022 今天在接受建議時要小心,魔魔, 即使是某個你認為有智慧、知識淵博的人的建議。 他們可能提供你一個傑出的引導, 但你不真的需要,3
[情報] 0510 DailyHoroscopeYou probably should not go to someone for advice if they have a vested interes t in the outcome of your choice. This is common sense, Capricorn, but in a sit uation you are dealing with now, that connection might not seem so obvious. If you are asking for guidance - or being pushed in a certain direction - by som eone who benefits from one particular choice, then you need to step away and f1
[情報] 11/05 the daily horoscopeWhen someone is torn over a decision or doesn't know how to handle a problem, they might reach out for advice. Depending on who they reach out to, they migh t receive advice that is very helpful, insightful, or that seems to be one siz e fits all. If you are contemplating an important matter now, Gemini, don't se ek out guidance from just anyone. You may be dealing with an issue that is mul1
[情報] 04/16 the daily horoscopeThere is someone in your life that you turn to when a problem seems too challe nging. You rely on this person because you believe in their ability to see a s ituation clearly and objectively and to give great advice. Just be careful tha t you don't dismiss your own ability to solve a problem you are now faced with , Gemini. Turning elsewhere for guidance can easily become a habit. But you ar1
[情報] 07/14 the daily horoscopeThe silly phrase that goes "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" might apply to someone you know right now, dear Gemini. But in some ways, it can apply to you too. You may be overly concerned with what someone in your life is doing, and the futility, irresponsibility, or foolishness of it. But it isn't your ga me to play or to manage either, and so you have to get this in check. You can1
[情報] 06/06 the daily horoscopeBe careful not to make judgments about anyone today based on first impressions or even on assumptions based on prior experiences. Someone might offer you in sight or advice, and it should be taken seriously, dear Gemini. Even if that p erson has not seemed able to provide sound guidance in the past or your impres sion of that person is not that of someone who is wise or experienced, you nee- Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 As a child, your parents may have told you to treat others the same way you wi sh to be treated. And although that is excellent advice, Gemini, it isn't alwa ys so easy to follow. For example, if someone isn't treating you right, or if