[情報] 2023/06/16 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 6月 16
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 6月 16
Someone may be steering you in the wrong direction now, dear Moonchild. They want you to do what they want you to do, even though you don't feel sure it's the right thing for you. They may be trying to tell you that this will be goodfor you, and even though you have some misgivings, you may want to go along because it sounds so appealing. You can't blame the choice you make on this enticement, though. This is all on you. You are wise enough to reason this out. If you go along for the ride, just be sure you can live with any outcome you may face.
[情報] 01/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2022 你最近可能花了很多時間和精力在糾正別人的錯誤, 這可能來自於你錯誤的信念, 即別人的錯誤或過錯要由你負責, 但其實不是。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/28你或許不想讓別人認為自己不夠勇敢,因此無法接受他們放在你面前的挑戰。但別因為這 個原因就答應這個挑戰,親愛的阿牛。你當然夠勇敢,但你可能會認為接受這個挑戰不是 明智的選擇。這是個聰明且合理的反應。如果你因為你的選擇而被慫恿的話,請你抵抗。 除了自己,你不需要向任何人證明些什麼。做你認為最明智的事。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/14Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 14 很久以前,你就是你犯的某些錯誤的法官和陪審團。你可能仍在責怪自己,儘管你可能還沒意識到,牛牛——你還在懲罰自己。你可能是因為潛意識否認自己應得的東西才會這樣。 但你已經為了那個錯誤付出懺悔,你應該自由地去接受一些好的且正向的東西來到你的生命中。不過,如果你覺得你不該獲得這些,那(好事)就不會發生。你真的需要改變你的觀點。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 143
[情報] 0510 DailyHoroscopeYou probably should not go to someone for advice if they have a vested interes t in the outcome of your choice. This is common sense, Capricorn, but in a sit uation you are dealing with now, that connection might not seem so obvious. If you are asking for guidance - or being pushed in a certain direction - by som eone who benefits from one particular choice, then you need to step away and f3
[情報] 06/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou would like to try something that is new and very different from what you have done in the past. Even the thought of this, though, might leave you feeling fearful and insecure. You may fear failing or doing the wrong thing. But even a step in the wrong direction is still a step, dear Moonchild. And even a strategic step backwards can sometimes be extremely2
[情報] 08/24 the daily horoscopeYou can clearly see that someone is handling a situation in the wrong way. You may feel that it is your duty to step in and lead the way. You must know, tho ugh, that you may not be welcomed warmly. Even though you may be certain that you know the best way to proceed, dear Gemini, you may need to restrain yourse lf from doing so. If you let things ride as they are, it is more likely that s1
[情報] 11/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeAs you enter into a new chapter of your life, you may be contemplating whether your luck will improve once you do. You may feel like a dark cloud has been hovering over you recently and following you around as you tried one thing after another to make your life better. But luck is not some random thing, in this case, dear Moonchild. If you want this next chapter1
[情報] 07/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeTry to be as sweet as possible today to someone you don't particularly care for. You are someone who tends to wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on your face, dear Moonchild, so that may be a hard thing for you to master. However, being able to do that will not only benefit you today, but every day in the future. So, suck it up, and try to think1
[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscopeIs it okay to do the right thing for the wrong reason, or the wrong thing for the right reason? You might be facing a dilemma of this kind right now, dear G emini. Your moral compass may be flying in all directions as you contemplate t he rights and wrongs of your situation. The main question you have to ask your self, however, is this: Will anyone be hurt or otherwise negatively influenced- Don't overanalyze a choice you feel inclined to make. If you do, you might sta rt to distance yourself from that feeling, and you could gravitate to another choice entirely. Would that be a good thing? Probably not. Although you do hav e a discerning mind, and you are good at analyzing situations to separate the good from the bad, right now the best thing to do might be to follow what you