[情報] 2023/06/15 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 15
You are looking at a major task. When you think of it all as a whole, Moonchild, it looks like a gigantic mountain that you will have to climb alone. But you will get there, and it will be an experience that will be enriching and empowering. Be thankful for the climb you have to take, for it is building your strength and your courage, and it is also making your life better in many ways.Right now, you can't even see how wonderful this will be for you. Approach this experience with joy, not fear.
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 0806 DailyHoroscopeAll of us experience some level of fear when making the toughest decisions we face in life: who to marry, what to study in school, which job to take, and th ere are even deeper, tougher, more personal problems that we all face as well. And although we may dread making these important decisions, they have the pot ential to bring enormous relief and even greater happiness. You are facing a d7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/14你持續在腦中重現一段不愉快的記憶,阿牛。你幾乎無法控制自己,因為你的想法一直在 侵襲你的歡樂時光。但你真的能掌控一切,只要你有意識到它。當然你無法改變這段經歷 ,但你能夠認知到,你現在正在給這段不愉快的經驗塑造自己的力量,而且是用一種不好 的方式。當這個想法再次出現時,用個充滿希望的想法取代它,讓你的生活更豐富與充實 。那會讓這它好得多並且更有成效。6
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[情報] 03/15 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 15 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 15 An experience of feeling disillusioned or deeply disappointed in the past may be affecting a choice you are making now, Gemini. The problem with this is tha t you may not even recognize it for what it is. You may be coming up with reas2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/16你可能會發現最近在和朋友或家人的討論中,你們對某種共同的經歷有著不同的看法。也 許它在某種程度上改變了那麼多生活,而你希望從經歷過相同狀況的人們那裡得到一些認 同或鼓勵。但,如果每個人對於事實有著不同觀點,那這怎麼可能發生呢?不過這當然可 以,你們所分享的特殊經歷改變了你們對生活的看法,只是方式不同罷了。有時,只要表 達支持和被支持,既能鼓舞人心也令人欣慰。1
[情報] 13/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may experience an instant spark with someone you meet today or reconnect with. This may come as a big surprise, Moonchild, because you have become more cynical lately and less inclined to feel hopeful or believe in magic. You are usually an optimist. Even though you do go through gloomy moods at times, you usually arise with a sense of1
[情報] 08/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeDo you believe in reincarnation? How about the idea that life is on one continuing cycle, and we all have the chance to repeat the same life for time unending? There are many theories and many possibilities, Moonchild, and this kind of deep concept may be something that came up recently or might come up. But there is so much of this world that we do not know, and1
[閒聊] 5/14 Daily HoroscopeIf you did not know how to lay down a tile floor, would you try? Most people p robably would not. But then again, there are so many tools online for learning to do just about anything that you might be brave enough to give it a go. And as long as you can do so without risking anything, why not? That's the way yo u happen to approach life, Leo. If there is a new task you would like to take