[情報] 2023/03/23 Daily Horoscope
也許比某些人猜測的要複雜得多 - 即使是你認識了很長時間的人。
Cancer horoscope for 星期四 3月 23
What is it like to be you, dear Moonchild? It is probably far more complicated than someone would guess - even someone who has known you for a long time. There are nuances to your personality that aren't always visible, and there aredepths that not everyone can plumb. Sometimes a person can only really know you if you choose to share those more elusive aspects of yourself. You are a deep and often mysterious individual. You may be working with someone now that you think you understand, and you are judging their actions. But there may be more depth there than you realize. Explore that today.ꀊ
[情報] 21/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere are many people who make a major career change at an older age and after many years in an industry they know very well. Perhaps there is something new they wish to explore, maybe the new option is more lucrative, or perhaps the change represents a dream they have held onto for a long time. You may be harboring some ideal way of life that will require a5
[情報] 04/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 15 2022 有個跟你一起工作, 或在某個重要層面上打交道的人跟你有一些問題, 親愛的魔魔, 但你剛好是個和善、好相處的人,3
[情報] 25/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are someone who is quite empathic, Moonchild. Even when someone has done you wrong, you can sense their pain, and you wonder about what might have led them to do that. If you are facing circumstances now where someone has disappointed you and let you down, you may want to walk away from the situation you are both involved in, but you know that would cause3
[情報] 26/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeA "has-been" is usually thought of as someone who was once at least somewhat successful but has faded into obscurity because that person has no longer achieved success. You are your toughest critic, dear Moonchild, and you may be thinking of yourself in this way, possibly because some big dream you have chased for a long time has never come to fruition. When you1
[情報] 03/17 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 3月 17 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 3月 17 You may now be forming an impression of some venture you wish to explore. Alth ough you would like to be hopeful about it, dear Gemini, the other party may b e painting a rather gloomy picture of it. But if someone else were to offer th1
[情報] 18/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeEven though you are a very sentimental person who was drawn to the nostalgia of days gone by, you know that dwelling in the past too often or for too long is not a healthy thing to do. And even though you may remind yourself of this whenever you start to go there, Moonchild, you may be doing this in some area of your life without even realizing it. If you1
[情報] 16/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may have become so settled in at home or in some place that you find convenient and cozy that you are unwilling to leave the comfort you have found in order to go out and explore. This is a common issur for you, dear Moonchild. Yours is a home-loving sign, and this is definitely where your heart finds the greatest sense of security. But there are times when you1
[情報] 09/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be worried that you will never have the answer to a perplexing problem, Moonchild. This may have gone on for a long time. And in fact, you may have already accepted that you will never know, even though you still wonder about what really happened. While it's fine to accept that you may not have any control over whether this answer comes to you or not,1
[情報] 16/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may be sizing up a new opportunity and looking for all the deficits. If it doesn't appear to have certain elements of what you want, dear Moonchild, you might reject it altogether. But you can't know at this point if there is potential there or not, or if this chance can evolve into exactly what you want and need. Be careful today about judging and1
[情報] 04/09 the daily horoscopeAll talk and no action may describe a charming individual who keeps making pro mises. At first, Gemini, you may have believed this person was being sincere, and maybe that was their intention. But actions speak louder than words, as yo u know, and it's time to call this person out for not following through on wha t they promised. Words are not enough, and you need to make that as clear as p