[情報] 06/07/2020 Daily Horoscope
Even if you find that you and another person are not communicating clearly,
or you are not on the same page about something that is important to both
of you, you need to still make your camaraderie and your harmony the top
priority. By maintaining respect and caring for each other, any
differences you have will begin to melt away to the point where you can
find a way to compromise on whatever is standing between you, Moonchild.
When you remain diplomatic, anything is possible.
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 22/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 22 Cancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 22 You may not recognize that you deserve something that the universe has, or wil l soon, gift to you, Moonchild. And because you may feel unworthy, you won't f ully appreciate and enjoy your blessings. And if you don't get out of it what3
[情報] 11/25 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 25 2020 If you have been dealing with an ordeal that is tied up with difficult personalities, Capricorn, you may stumble upon a way to turn things around today. Something you witness or discover could enlighten you on making a process much easier and help you find just the right thing to say to get a3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/25當兩個人對於他們都覺得很重要的事有非常兩極的意見時,要去看到對方值得參考的見解是非常困難的,更何況要他們雙方去妥協呢?不過,在日常生活中卻常常發生這樣的情形。所以,如果現在這正在困擾著你,去把它解決是很好的,寶貝阿牛。你生活中的某人很可能極力反對著你所相信的某件事。你也許完全無法理解為何他們要這樣,但是試著與之和諧共處是很重要的。請不要鑽牛角尖在你們的差別上。如果你能成功地忽略那些差別,那麼你的眼前會是無憂無愁的一天。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 25 When two people have polar opposite opinions on something that they both see as important, it can be very difficult to see the merit in the other's point of view, and it may be even harder to compromise with them. This happens a lot in life, though, so it is a good thing to work on if that is a problem for you now, dear Taurus. Someone in your life may be directly oppositional to something you believe in. You may never understand where they are coming from, but getting along is of primary importance. Just don't dwell on your differences. A carefree day is ahead of you if you can successfully ignore that. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/29在今天去獲得自己想要的東西並不一定會導致一場唇槍舌戰的,如果你擔心的話。看起來某人不像是會因為你開口要求而退一步。要是你用一個彬彬有禮、大愛且包容的態度來開口,你或許會發現對方對於後退一小步也是很能接受的。可能最後你只需要放棄一點點,但是你完全可以避免針鋒相對的過程。畢竟無魚,蝦也好。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday May 29 Getting something you want today may not necessitate an argument, as you may fear. It may seem that a certain person is not going to budge if you make a request. If you do so in a polite, caring, and open way, you may find that the other party will be very open to a compromise at the very least. You may wind up giving up just a little bit, but you don't have to have an acrimonious experience. Getting most of what you want is much better than getting nothing. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[情報] 07/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你和你生活中一個新的人之間的差異將變成一件好事,儘管現在可能很沮喪。 如果你堅持下去,你應該會發現你們的差異是相互補充的,平衡了優勢和劣勢。 對自己和對方都要有耐心,放心吧,如果你努力把你們的關係看成是有可能變得和諧和富 有成效的關係,那就會變成這樣。 The differences you are experiencing between yourself and a newer person in yo1
[情報] 13/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 13 You are good at figuring out emotional puzzles, Moonchild. Your own emotions a re right there on the surface most of the time, even when you deny them. Your empathy allows you to pick up what others are feeling, sometimes to the point where you can relate to and even experience these emotions yourself. But you m1
[情報] 24/02/2022 Daily Horoscope對責任採取公平的做法很重要。 你可能會參與一項涉及其他人的工作。每個人都應該在其中有自己的平等角色。 這樣一來,工作就會被分擔,並能建立起一種友情。 月之子,如果一個人比其他人承擔更多,如果不說出來,這將導致怨恨和完成工作的不平 衡方法。-這個人有可能就是你。1
[情報] 24/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你是否一直把你需要處理的問題擱置到 『以後』?如果是這樣的話,可能是因為這個問 題看起來太難處理了。 但是月之子,它並沒有消失,對吧? 而且你等得越久,可能失去的東西就越多。 只要面對這個問題並完成它,可能會大大增加你的心境上的平和。1
[情報] 10/28 the daily horoscopeWhen you look for problems, you will find them. When you look for reasons to b e disappointed, you can find those too. When you believe people don't like you , you can unknowingly cause reasons to be unlikeable. But likewise, Gemini, wh en you seek beauty in the world around you, you will see it. When you look for harmony, your life will be more harmonious. And when you seek happiness, it w- 星期五4月7日的巨蟹座星座運勢 今天有人可能會用警報器等類似之物來向你傳達一則訊息,月之子。 你不是那種會喜歡這種壓倒性、甚至是強迫性方式溝通的人。 你更希望能用低調輕聲的方式傾聽,而不是大聲且令人不舒服的溝通方式。 但嘗試從對方的角度來想,也許他們對某件事情感到非常熱情,並且相信必須盡全力讓你