[情報] 10/07/2020 Daily Horoscope
You don't have to grow up if you don't really want to, dear Moonchild. You
didn't know that? Yes, it's true. As long as you are responsible and true
to yourself, you can retain a childlike sense of wonder and the ability to
believe in magic for your entire life. Actually, you do possess this
unique ability already, but not always in the large doses that are
required to be as happy as you can be. Opening up your childlike spirit to
the possibilities today will enable them to break through for you. Work on
seeing the world through the eyes of an innocent and hopeful child today
to get the best of today - and the coming days ahead.
謝謝翻譯 最近好需要這種正能量!!
太棒了 感謝翻譯
[情報] 25/10/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,當你想去分享的訊息時,不要太糾結於你怎麼說。 親愛的月之子,你可能在等待完美的詞彙出現在你面前,也在等待完美的時機說出來。 但你只要傳遞的訊息是發自內心的,它就會對你產生好的效果。 你可能認為,如果你的訊息沒有完美傳遞,就不會受到歡迎。但是完美往往在於發自內心 的說話。3
[情報] 07/11 the daily horoscopeIt is important for you to acknowledge today that it is not your role or your responsibility to make someone else happy. If you are trying to do this now, y ou also need to know that this is a power that someone only has for themselves . There are people in life who seem to enjoy dwelling on negative thoughts and problematic situations, but that is not a habit you can change for anyone but1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeAllow someone's youthful spirit to inspire you today, Gemini. You have come to look at a certain situation in your life from an old, outdated, or tired poin t of view. You have come to see something as impossible. But if you can glean inspiration from someone who sees the world through a child's eyes - whether t hat person is actually a child or not - you can age in reverse a little bit yo1
[情報] 07/04 the daily horoscopeYou may have come here today hoping to read about a forecast of money or some type of abundance or good fortune coming your way. But it doesn't work that wa y exactly, Gemini. There is certainly the potential for great things in your l ife, but you have to enable those possibilities. Not only do you have to want them, think about them, and feel worthy of them - you must also do everything1
[情報] 05/12/2021 Daily Horoscope你是一個以榮譽為準則的人。 你努力成為世界上的一個積極力量。 雖然這有時可能感覺是一場艱苦的戰鬥,但親愛的月之子,你是頑強的有原則的-有時甚 至是錯誤的。 你現在可能正試圖在一個對你來說非常困難的情況下做正確的事情。1
[情報] 11/02/2022 Daily Horoscope我們大多數人都把自己的夢想至少分為兩類。 有一些僅僅是我們時常進行的幻想,有些是那些看起來更像現實可能性的夢想。 你可能希望這些幻想中的一個是可以實現的, 親愛的月之子,它真的是可以實現的! 不要把自己限制在舊的期望中,或者被一個如此大、如此快樂的夢想限制,以至於你無法- 月之子,你今天是看到了現實,還是看到了你想看的東西? 你是一個大夢想家,有時你確實混淆了這兩者。 你有一個驚人的信仰系統,你確實理解你的思想對你生活中的表現的巨大力量,但你必須 從看到真相開始。 如果你對即將到來的風險採取非常現實和誠實的態度,你就會成功。
- A talent that comes very easily to you is more treasured than you know. You ma y feel extremely grateful for your ability to delve into the related interest because it brings you such pleasure and fulfillment. But this gift you possess could actually be used for an even greater good in your life, dear Leo. Don't overlook something you have that you see as an extracurricular activity - it
- 月之子,你對自己有信心嗎? 你相信自己的能力,無論你承擔什麼工作都能做得很好嗎? 你相信自己有能力做出好的決定嗎? 如果你不相信,這可能就是為什麼最近的一個選擇不是最棒的。 然而,你確實有一個良好的頭腦和邏輯思維方式-儘管你也有直覺和深刻的情感。
- 親愛的月之子,如果今天你似乎被人欣賞,甚至被人調情,請享受這種關注和欣賞。 你正散發著溫暖而耀眼的光芒,展示著你的真實精神,所以盡情享受吧。 難怪人們比平時更注意到你。 你是一個可能害羞和相當矜持的人,所以你並不總是允許自己展現出這種活力。 這是一個機會,讓你陶醉於你真正的樣子,並享受它吸引到你生活中的任何東西和任何人