[情報] 19/07/2020 Daily Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 19/07/2020 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:1

注意到k大一陣子沒有發Daily Horoscope了,於是代為翻譯,希望k大不會覺得被冒犯><我是用平板發的,所以如果格式跑掉或亂碼,容我稍晚回家再用電腦修正!


There are times when you work very well under pressure. Your intuition kicks
in, and you tap into the vibrations that tell you what to do.

But when you are deeply invested in something emotionally, and you are under
pressure, you may not do so well if you rush into it.

Today what you need is a solid strategy. You need to take it slow, even if
there is a deadline.

You will make up for lost time by thinking clearly and efficiently, and that'sall you really need to make a deadline and to do the work you will be proud of.

Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic






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unalwy07/19 16:33謝謝翻譯 推熱心

ching747807/19 17:00謝謝熱心翻譯

maple15081407/19 17:16謝謝翻譯

gn0233209307/19 18:00謝謝你!

roger83102907/19 19:58謝謝翻譯:)

kshs222407/19 21:52謝謝翻譯

kl2508207/19 23:42推!謝謝翻譯!我生病了,請大家諒解QQ

k大沒事的!祝早日康復,這段時間請安心養病,這段時間不嫌棄的話就請先讓我暫代吧, 很謝謝k大這麼久以來的翻譯,辛苦了:)

※ 編輯: aa85720tw ( 臺灣), 07/20/2020 00:26:14

ching747807/20 01:20希望k大早日康復!

homhomhom07/20 12:47謝謝!

homhomhom07/20 12:47祝k大早日康復~