[情報] 07/20~07/26 Weekly Horoscope
When someone initiated a heavy conversation with you not long ago, Moonchild,you may not have been ready to deal with the emotional weight of it.
Since then, you have been able to process it more thoroughly and also more
And even though you may be quite capable of discussing this at length now, youare still putting it off. But what you may not realize is that continuing thatconversation now would be just as beneficial for you- if not more so- than itwill be for anyone else.
Don't let old fear or dread stop you. If you have been stuck in an obligationat work or with someone who expects your help, you may be longing for the
comfort of your sofa at home and the chance to do something mindless like
watch a movie or make a nice meal.
That moment will come this week, but first, you have to buckle down and get
the job done. Allow your imagination to go head and envision the comfort thatis waiting for you, and it will be easier to take care of any undesirable
business. Working through it quickly should leave you plenty of time to relax,as the rest of the week should be prettey easy.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
[情報] 29/03~04/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may have the chance this week to mull over a recent conversation or situation that left you a bit baffled. It may have included some odd behavior on the part of someone you know. Give yourself some quiet time to think about it, and by repeating a conversation in your mind, some things should become clear. This will help you see things in a more positive and5
[情報] 25/05~31/05/2020 Weekly HoroscopeA chance to clear the air may come to you this week when a friend or a family member expresses confusion over a matter you thought was obvious. You may have unintentionally talked around the issue because you weren't comfortable discussing it directly, Moonchild, and this opportunity is an open door to a richer relationship. Be sure to be as candid as possible so3
[情報] 15/03~21/03/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may find yourself in a lovely, dreamy mood from the moment this week begins, dear Moonchild. The highs and lows you have been experiencing recently are giving way to a more placid, easy entry into a state of mind that ensures that good things are happening in your life. Allow yourself to float on this realization, and the entire week can be filled with3
[情報] 27/12~02/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope月之子,雖然你是一個相當堅強的人物,但你也可能非常膽小。 你的外殼讓人覺得你是一個堅不可摧的人,但這只是因為你傾向於想要保護自己。 在內心深處,你可能是害羞的,害怕被人注意到,尤其是當你承擔了一些令人畏懼的事情 。 本週,你可能有機會接受一項需要你有點冒險精神的任務。3
[情報] 25/07/2022~31/07/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你有如此慷慨、仁慈的天性,你常常在看清楚其他細節之前就注意到一個 人的需求。 你肯定是極富有同理心,這意味著很多人在遇到問題時會找你。 本週,如果有人向你尋求幫助,你需要更加敏銳和辨別。如果這是你的感覺,參與進來也 是可以的,但你需要在這之前知道你要做什麼。3
[情報] 2023/04/17~2023/04/23 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座4月17日至4月23日星座運勢 親愛的月之子,本周你可能會發現你必須處理一些業務,而唯一能幫助你的資源來自一個 你不是很喜歡的人。 這可能會讓你感覺無助,需要依賴這個人。 不過,也許這其實並不壞。2
[情報] 09/16 DailyHoroscopeYou may feel that you have only two options in how to handle a very stressful situation, Capricorn. You could face it head-on and deal with the fear and tro uble directly, shaking in your boots as you do. Or you could hide away from it all from the safety of your couch cuddled up in your coziest blanket. But the re is also a third option - you can do both combined. Take comfort where you f1
[情報] 08/11~14/11/2021 Weekly Horoscope月之子,你想要什麼樣的一週呢? 如果你可以選擇任何事情,你可能會要求一個平靜、無憂無慮、給你安全感的一周。 你可以擁有這些,或者你也可以給自己一個充滿壓力、焦慮和擔憂的一週。 選擇權其實就在你手裡,所以如果你能選擇,那就選擇前者。 這一切都來自你自己的期望以及你決定的心態和前景。1
[情報] 13/03/2023~19/03/2023 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座3月13日至3月19日星座運勢: 本週有人可能會與你聯絡,這個人曾經和你一起工作過,或許是很久以前的事了。 這可能涉及合作想法,或是鼓勵你加入那個人目前的工作團隊。 無論是哪一種情況,這都可能是個好主意。 所以月之子,請一定要問出盤在你心中所有問題,以確保你做出的決定最符合你的利益。