[情報] 25/09/2020 Daily Horoscope
Although we always hear of overnight success stories, great success is
rarely achieved overnight. Although there are those rare few who get
really lucky, success requires not just talent, skill, and a bit of good
luck - it also requires intense dedication, focus, courage, and the
willingness to get up whenever you get knocked down to keep going and try
again and again. If you have not yet attained a dream, Moonchild, keep
trying. You can be just one day away from great success without even
knowing it. Don't give up.
謝謝翻譯 最近幾篇都跟我的生活好貼近XDDD
被鼓勵到了XD 謝謝翻譯
[情報] 03/19 the daily horoscopeYou have done a job very well, or you have achieved something that was no easy task. Even so, there may be no one telling you how great you are, or no one r ecognizing your talents and abilities. When you have exerted so much time and energy - and so much of yourself, Gemini - into doing something with the aim t oward success, it can be a bit deflating when no one is there to acknowledge i4
[情報] 05/01/2022 Daily Horoscope任何事情的成功,事業、關係、創意項目-都可能與好運氣和好時機有很大關係。 但不要低估努力工作和獻身精神對成功的更大價值。 你可能害怕開始新的事情,因為你已經對它感到無望的態度。 月之子,你可能覺得現在運氣和時機都不在你身邊,但這其實是最不重要的。 如果你決心要成功,你最終會成功的,這需要你現在的關注。3
[情報] 05/18 the daily horoscopeTrying something that you are not sure you can do is not a guarantee of succes s. But not trying is a guarantee of failure. And when you try, you have at lea st a chance of success. Today, Gemini, your chance of success with something n ew is very good - even if it is something you don't feel confident about. So, if you are thinking that you shouldn't even bother, think about it again. Tryi2
[情報] 07/12 the daily horoscopeA big success does not usually happen overnight. Instant gratification, althou gh often sought, is rarely found. But when you do have an exciting achievement , it can look to others like it was overnight or instantaneous. If this is som eone's impression of something you have recently achieved, Gemini, then you ha ve every right to correct them. Not only will it make you feel better to expla2
[情報] 11/21 the daily horoscopeWe have all heard success stories that depict the winners in a glorious way. T hey reach for a dream and succeed in a big way because they make all the right choices in their rise to success. But that's not how it happens all the time. Success can take a lot of trial and error. Remind yourself of this now, Gemin i, because you may be traveling a road toward your own success that has had qu2
[情報] 19/02/2022 Daily Horoscope成功和失敗之間的區別往往只是再試一次的行為。 你可能覺得自己正處在一個漫長的旅程中,你一直在為同一件事努力,而現在你似乎又回 到了起點。 月之子,你可以放棄。沒有人會責怪你。 或者你可以再次嘗試。也許有人會認為你不放棄是愚蠢的。1
[情報] 02/10/2021 Daily Horoscope成功實現夢想的人的故事令人著迷。我們喜歡聽到有人克服困難來實現他們美好的夢想。 然而,在大多數情況下,這可能不是夢想成真的方式。 當我們期望相信會發生一些神奇的事情,並且像揮動魔杖這樣簡單的事情就會發生時,我 們也在為失望做好準備。 但失望是不必要的,月之子。你確實需要以當前的希望來期待成功-而不是一夜之間的成1
[情報] 01/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你渴望做的事情 - 你感到非常熱衷的事情 - 可以給你帶來巨大的成功。 你可能已經推遲了很長時間,因為最初的幾次努力都沒有獲得成功。 但月之子,你不是一個放棄者。事實上,你的堅韌是傳奇性的。 你並沒有完全放手,你只是讓它在你的腦海中徘徊了一段時間。 但現在好運的浪潮正向你湧來,你需要充分利用即將到來的一切。1
[情報] 03/04 the daily horoscopeThere are people who have achieved what is known as "overnight success," or su ccess in a short period of time. That's quite rare, though. Most people who se em to have achieved significant successes work diligently for many years, and they have to be very patient about it. You may be working toward something now that you hope will bring greater fortune into your life, Gemini. But if you a1
[情報] 03/06 the daily horoscopeSometimes good luck is really just good timing. Sometimes it's an insightful d ecision. Sometimes it is knowing the right person with influence. And what we perceive as good luck can take many forms. If you are feeling like luck has pa ssed you by with something you want to attain, dear Gemini, you need to stop s eeing luck as a force that you have no control over. Do some reflecting today