[情報] 15/10/2020 Daily Horoscope
There are certain people in our lives who act out their emotional issues
by ranting and raving, by crying, or by being moody. You may sometimes be
one of those people, Moonchild. Anyone can be. For you in particular, it
works to vent in one or all of these ways when something is getting to you.
But you may often regret the way you handled the situation later on. There
is a better way. If you have reproached yourself for the way you handled a
recent upset, work on finding a new way to deal with troubles of this kind.
There are many options - it is just a matter of seeking out something that
will work for you personally.
[情報] 6/8 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 8 2021 You may have handled a social situation incorrectly, Capricorn - or at least that may be how you are seeing it now. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, and now you can probably imagine at least a few other ways you could have handled it. But maybe that's not really so. There are factors you may not be2
[情報] 26/09/2021 Daily Horoscope作為孩子的時候,我們的目標有時會基於父母認為對我們最好的東西。 有些人成年後,未曾擺脫這種情況,經常在重大決定上尋求別人的智慧。 雖然這有時可以成為反饋的重要來源,但有時你必須對自己有足夠的信心。 畢竟,你是哪個必須接受選擇的人。 如果你過於依賴他人來做出選擇,那麼也許你需要更好地了解自己需要什麼以及為什麼?2
[情報] 07/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你真的知道如何讓人微笑。 你是如此了解一個人,你知道他們需要什麼。 這種敏感性也可以反過來發揮作用。 當你不喜歡一個人時-對你來說,這通常是合理的-你能夠磨練出傷害或刺激他們的東西, 並利用這些來保護自己。2
[情報] 18/04/2022 Daily Horoscope有些人剛開始的時候生活十分拮据,但後來卻變成了千萬富翁,過著充實和幸福的生活。 這些人和那些年復一年辛苦做著同樣的事情卻沒有什麼收穫的人有什麼區別呢? 月之子,有時後這只是一個追逐夢想和不放棄的問題。 你可能已經對你的生活的一些想法變得有點缺乏熱情。 不要放棄。1
[情報] 1004 DailyHoroscopeEveryone deals with stress in their own way. Some people will go to the gym an d take out their tension on a treadmill or a punching bag. Some will indulge i n a purchase that makes them forget whatever is bugging them. And some will ea t a gallon of their favorite ice cream. The second two options aren't necessar ily healthy, but in moderation, they are fine. If you have gotten into negativ1
[情報] 24/02/2022 Daily Horoscope對責任採取公平的做法很重要。 你可能會參與一項涉及其他人的工作。每個人都應該在其中有自己的平等角色。 這樣一來,工作就會被分擔,並能建立起一種友情。 月之子,如果一個人比其他人承擔更多,如果不說出來,這將導致怨恨和完成工作的不平 衡方法。-這個人有可能就是你。1
[情報] 13/04/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,宇宙鼓勵你努力的工作,去容忍一個你覺得無法忍受的人。 月之子,這個人的方式可能會讓你發瘋,他們現在的滑稽行為可能特別難以忽視。 無論如何你都要去嘗試。 這對自己來說是一個良好的耐心練習,也是對方可以學習的仁慈和寬容的好例子。 你可能會發現,如果你每次和這個人出現類似的狀況時都這樣做,那麼這種情況會少得多1
[情報] 01/08 the daily horoscopeThere are two ways to look at a situation you may now be facing with apprehens ion. You can try to see it positively or you can see it negatively. As an opti mistic Gemini, it would usually be natural for you to gravitate to the positiv e side. But there may be something about this situation that is holding you ba ck from seeking out the good. But there is good in it, and it's just a matter- If you dedicate some time to work on a regret or a disappointment that has bee n weighing you down, you can get through it and move on to better things. Main tain a mindset of rising above what is bothering you, and find ways to inspire yourself and learn from your experience. It might take you all day to put thi ngs in perspective and to be more objective about what you have been through,