[情報] 2020年11月Monthly Horoscope
You may be feeling so ambitious about an endeavor that you will begin this
month that you might try to avoid listening to your intuition. You have
gotten so worked up over what might be possible with this venture that you
are ignoring warnings your sixth sense is sending to you. But if you do
heed these signals, Moonchild, you will find that they will be helpful,
and you will find a way to make this happen no matter what, so pay
attention. You may feel stuck in a relationship or in some kind of a
commitment. This feeling may have taken over your thoughts in recent weeks.
But this month, you may find a way to change things so that you feel freer
and can see new possibilities. Don't give up. Someone may come to you with
a thrilling offer that could involve making money or building your
reputation. Don't jump in right away though, no matter how appealing it is.
Take your time and do a lot of thinking before you act on it. If you have
a chance to resolve a money matter - either in the form of a negotiation
or a loan someone wants to repay - try to work it out, as this might be
the best chance you'll have to resolve it.
[情報] 2021/05 Monthly HoroscopeYou may hear a lot this month about what other people think is wonderful and impressive about you. This may be exactly what you need to hear right now, Moonchild, especially if you have been feeling isolated or lonely. You are so inside yourself sometimes that you forget how much you have to offer, and an occasional reminder can help you recognize all that is so special about you.5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/18即便你沒有很多錢,但仍然能夠慷慨解囊。你可以大方的給予時間與注意力,也能夠給予 讚美和善意,還能夠因為一個人而不惜一切代價。所有的這些與其他許多的事都屬於慷慨 的範疇。如果你覺得你沒有足夠的東西給予你所想的那人,那你就錯了。也許你認為他們 擁有他們需要的一切,但你可能會感到驚訝。要有創造力,阿牛,你能夠找出他們所需的 東西,並且給予。3
[情報] 2022/04 Monthly Horoscope這是你的帽子,你急什麼。 (*為半挽留、半逐客的美國俗諺 你幹嘛這麼急著要走?好,既然這樣那就請便!) 這句滑稽的台詞諷刺地表示歡迎,而實際上,它是在要求某人離開。 月之子,在這個月的開始,,你可能會得到一個類似這樣的混合訊息。3
[情報] 2022/11 Monthly Horoscope你生活中的某人一直讓你提心吊膽。 他可能是你視為挑戰者或競爭者的人,甚至有可能是你的剋星。 你可能覺得需要向這個人證明自己,但是月之子,實際上你只向自己證明自己而已。 牢記這一點。 這個月不要接受那些對你有個人意義的挑戰。2
[情報] 03/01/2022~09/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope生活中可能會有這樣的時候,似乎是一件又一件的事情出錯。 也許你錯過了公車,上班遲到了,或者你把咖啡灑在你最喜歡的毛衣上,或者你的支票賬 戶出現了錯誤...等等。 在遇到幾個問題後,不管它們有多小,都會開始感覺到宇宙在謀劃著對付你。 如果你屈服於這種感覺和恐懼,甚至更多的事情似乎會出錯。2
[情報] 2022/03 Monthly Horoscope月之子,這個月你有很多事情要考慮。 你可能在想,這一切都太多了,並想知道你如何能處理現在即將到來的大變化。 而你發起的這一串變化並沒有任何幫助,因為你對自己做出的一個選擇感到困惑和內疚, 而這個選擇現在看來可能正是錯誤的。 而且這也不是你可以撤銷的事情,至少不會有某種懲罰。2
[情報] 2023/04 Monthly Horoscope4月的巨蟹座星座運勢 親愛的冒險家巨蟹... 等等!那不是你,對吧? 好吧,你會發現這個月比之前更加的有冒險精神。 通常你會被家的舒適和所有帶來的安全感所吸引,但現在你可能會感到有點不安,更加大1
[情報] 26/06/2021Daily HoroscopeYou may be trying to find peace of mind with a certain matter that is taking u p a lot of your attention. You may feel stuck because the choices right now ar e limited. You want to go in a certain direction, Moonchild, but that path see ms blocked somehow. Perhaps it could cause you some trouble if you keep headin g that way, but you don't know that for sure. You may be wondering if somethin- 你現在可能在懷疑你不久前做出的一個重大決定。 也許在那一刻,你認為你看到的跡象告訴你要推進一個計劃,而現在它已經成為了一筆交 易。 然而現在,你可能會質疑這些究竟是不是真正的跡象。 月之子,不要去想那些負面的東西。你因為你的感覺而行動,你沒有錯。你將看到這是一
- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。