[情報] 01/11/2020 Daily Horoscope
When you start the day in a bad mood, every single irritation you
experience might seem extra-irritating. When you're in a good mood, though,
those small annoyances become hardly noticeable. Our moods definitely
dictate the way we experience life, dear Moonchild. If you find yourself
feeling irritable or blue today, then make it a priority to find a way to
lift your spirits. An important offer is coming to you. Being in a hopeful
state of mind will make any minor bumps endurable, and you'll get the best
out of the experience.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/01善良絕不是個糟糕的選擇。同樣地,客氣、有禮、尊重與和藹的對待他人最後總是會得到 回報。即使你面對的是個不那麼正直的人,親愛的阿牛,一個不傾向於用你對待他們的方 式來對待你的人,仍然在面對他時發揮以上幾個特質吧。至少在一開始會讓你認為自己很 棒,這才是最重要的。最近一次被利用的經驗不該使你變得不像自己。如果你發現自己受 到了不公平的對待時,讓這些特質決定你的反應,而不是你最初的做法。4
[情報] 10/20 Daily HoroscopeThe way things are going in our own lives often translates to the way we treat other people. If you are having a bad day, you might take it out on the people you deal with during that day. If you are having a great day, the same applies. Although it isn't good to allow our moods to dictate the way we treat others - or the way we treat ourselves - it takes recognition of this4
[情報] 2023/03/22 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座星座運勢 - 3月22日星期三 親愛的月之子,你即將做出重大的轉變,這可能讓你感到壓力。 不論這是一個實質性的轉變還是其他的變化,你生命中的某些方面正在發生巨大的轉變。 很多瑣事需要處理,很多拼圖需要慢慢拼起來。 作為一個自然而然的擔心者,你可能在擔心。3
[情報] 15/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,如果要比喻,你可能是一塊可以吸收情感的海綿。 因為你與生俱來的同理心,你會吸收和消化周圍的情緒。 當你被那些悲傷、孤獨、憤怒或無望的人包圍時,你自己也會開始有這種感覺。 也因為你的同理心,你會吸引那些需要你關注的人。 在任何時候都有可能會發生。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/26你也許在躲避某個認識的人,因為他們正在生氣。但這個人也可以在正確的時間點有著愉 快的心情,所以你可能需要重新考慮一下。避開壞能量是個明智的選擇,但這次可能不同 ,親愛的阿牛。因為你不想讓自己的情緒受影響,但這次可能有機會讓對方的心情好轉, 也能保護你的好心情。試著在談話中插入愉快的想法和美好的氛圍,你可能會改變整個情 況,使它變得更好。2
[情報] 04/21 the daily horoscopeWhen you deal with aggravation at work or in your personal life, it can set th e tone for your day. If you wake up worried about anything, it can create a da rk shadow that will follow you around. You can't avoid all problems, of course s, but you can avoid handling them in a way that creates tension and a bad moo d. Today, any irritations you face will be minor if you treat them that way, d1
[情報] 12/24 the daily horoscopeWhen you are in an irritable, bad mood, it can be difficult to be nice to othe r people. You may snap at them. You may interpret what they say - and do - in the worst possible way. You may not be respectful or kind or caring. That's no t like you ordinarily, Gemini, but everyone has days like this. But you need t o also note that in a mood of that kind, you are also far less likely to be ni1
[情報] 23/06/2022 Daily Horoscope你是否有過這樣的經歷,當你準備說一些有趣的東西,而且就在你的舌尖上,突然間你就 記不起一絲一毫了? 這真是太令人沮喪了。 然後你越是給自己施加壓力讓自己記住,這個想法就越是遙遠。 但後來,在你忘記它之後,你又突然想起了它!- If you were sitting in a dark room with cinder-grey paint, your mood might not be as bright and as hopeful as if the walls were a buttery yellow for example , or another funky color. Never underestimate the influence of the people, the conditions, and the situations you surround yourself with. Life is not meant to be a random walk from one experience to the next, dear Gemini. The paths yo
- 親愛的月之子,你在生命中對夢想的追求中已經被打倒了好幾次。 你被比喻性地拖上了泥濘,被踐踏。 這個經驗對你來說可能是多麼糟糕。 然而,你的夢想仍然存在。可能現在它正在睡夢中,深藏在你的靈魂深處。 它即將被重新喚醒。