[情報] 23/11~29/11/2020 Weekly Horoscope
Have you had something important or maybe even heavy to say to someone,
but you have felt they would not be receptive to it, dear Moonchild? This
person might have even made it very clear that it was something they did
not want to talk about. But this week, you may find that they want to open
up and discuss this matter, which is important to you too. Just speak from
the heart and be open to whatever you hear, and your communication will
help you break through a barrier that has stood between you. Someone's
harsh judgment or severe opinion of something you have said or done may
have come as a shock to you. Because you are so sensitive, this may be
something you have been struggling with ever since. But this week the
reasons for a strange outburst may become clear, and understanding it will
certainly soften the blow. This could even lead to the resolution of a
problem. Yes, communication is on center stage for you this week, so you
must be careful about entering a debate that would not ordinarily be of
concern. If someone raises an issue that could turn combative, try to
avoid it. This is not the best time to deal with emotionally volatile
issues. Try to avoid sensitive subjects this week to preserve your peace
of mind.
[情報] 16/08~22/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 16 - 8月 22 You may find yourself on a creative high from the very beginning of this week, Moonchild. This means you are drawn to so many of the projects you have left behind for one reason or another that you may not know which one to focus on. Take your time and see what you are drawn to most and get to work. You are exc4
[情報] 06/02/2022~13/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope如果一段私人關係現在似乎正在邁向失敗,那麼這是面對問題並處理它的理想時機。 月之子,這對你來說是溝通的好一周,在你擁有這種良好的能量時開啟這個主題將使你受 益匪淺。 可能有一些不言而喻的問題,你們倆都不想談論,但你必須這樣做來清理這個氣氛。 不要再拖下去了。3
[情報] 18/04/2022~24/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope我們都喜歡相信,如果某件事情是 『命中註定 』的,那麼無論如何都會發生。 但親愛的月之子,這不一定是真的。 宇宙可能會把某些事情放在我們的道路上,但我們都仍然有自由意志和選擇的權利。 如果一個機會被錯過,它可能會也可能不會再次出現。 親愛的月之子,請把這週看作是你的幸運週。3
[情報] 27/06/2022~03/07/2022 Weekly Horoscope月之子,你的慷慨和你願意幫助任何需要幫助的人的意願是令人津津樂道。 不過在本週,你會被鼓勵不要隨意付出。 他人對你尋求的幫助和尋求你的資源讓你覺得被淹沒,雖然你通常會不計任何問題地給予 幫忙或者是自己的資源,但你現在需要更有辨別力。 當你像之前一樣慷慨的時候,會很容易被他人利用。3
[情報] 17/10/2022~23/10/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,這週是設定界線的好時機。或者說,你可能想重新建立已經失去力量或可 能被完全忽視的界線。 這一次,無論你決定什麼,你都需要完全清楚和堅定地去做。 有人已經越過了某條線,使你離寧靜有些距離。 他們以一種不可接受的方式對待你。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/12/27-1/2阿牛,你可能會想在這週加強一項協議或某種承諾,但現在的時機並不合適。這週儘量在 談話時忍住想說出這件事的衝動。如果你說出來,或許會得到自己想要的東西,但你還沒 準備好。這件事有許多你需要去看去學習的東西,如果在沒有充分了解狀況就前進的話, 你可能會犯錯,這件事並不像它顯露出來的樣子。這週是適合開始自我改善的一週,這意 味2
[情報] 04/28 the daily horoscopeTry to be flexible today about a matter that someone wants to argue about. You may have specific things in mind that you want or need, dear Gemini, and you are not open to negotiation. However, if you approach this in a concerned mann er, showing that you do care about what the other person wants as well, then t hey will be more open to talking it over with you. Sometimes just showing that1
[情報] 25/07~01/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 26 - 8月 1 Communication is a strong theme for you this week, Moonchild. Although you are very expressive in certain ways - perhaps through music, art, or writing - yo u sometimes struggle with personal interactions. That may be because you don't like feeling vulnerable, so you crawl into your shell or become tough when ce1
[情報] 13/03/2023~19/03/2023 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座3月13日至3月19日星座運勢: 本週有人可能會與你聯絡,這個人曾經和你一起工作過,或許是很久以前的事了。 這可能涉及合作想法,或是鼓勵你加入那個人目前的工作團隊。 無論是哪一種情況,這都可能是個好主意。 所以月之子,請一定要問出盤在你心中所有問題,以確保你做出的決定最符合你的利益。- 親愛的月之子,你可能對自己在一個與家庭有關的複雜問題上的角色感到困惑。 本週,它將開始得到澄清,一切都會很自然地歸位,所以不要浪費任何時間去擔心太多。 雖然你可以想像各種可能導致壓力的場景,但不會那樣的。 它將會很好地解決。 有人沒有像你一樣付出那麼多努力,但會從這種情況中得到同樣多的好處。