[情報] 16/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
When we say that someone won't take "no for an answer," we might think of
that person as someone who is stubborn, unrealistic, or pushy. But in
certain circumstances, refusing to take no for an answer can be a very
good thing. With your legendary tenacity, Cancer, you might fit into this
category, especially when something is really important to you - such as
right now. Even though other people might be telling you that you need to
just give up or go in another direction, you are having a hard time
letting go. If you do keep pushing, you might just get what you want.
[情報] 10/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 28 2021 某個人可能向你施壓要得到答案, 魔魔,而你不是那種喜歡在壓力下做事的人。 事實上,當某人試著要強迫你做某事, 你可能會有點惱怒,因為你知道它沒有成效,5
[情報] 10/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 30 2020 When a person can't get what they want - or can't get everything they want - they may settle for less. But you don't like to settle, Capricorn. You like to work hard until it is possible to get exactly what you want. You don't like to take no for an answer. But today if you are in that mindset and5
[閒聊] 12/23 Daily HoroscopeLeo horoscope for 星期四 12月 23 成功的人往往拒絕接受「不」的答案,他們能看到限制之外的選項,並想到讓事物運作的方 法。 你是有能力去處理你現在所面對的這個,其他人都已經放棄,或告訴你事情已經沒有轉圜餘 地2
[情報] 11/01 the daily horoscopeWhen you want something in life, there are many people in your world who will tell you to latch onto it and not give up until you have it. They may do this in various inspirational ways - by building you up, by pushing you on, by supp orting you, and so on. It is good to be ambitious about what you want out of l ife. But there are times, Gemini, when it might be wiser to let go. Someone ma1
[情報] 10/03/2022 Daily Horoscope一個認為自己在掌控局面的人可能會愚弄很多人。如果他們大搖大擺地擺出一副權威的樣 子,並大聲發號施令,可能會有人聽從。 但是月之子,你是一個會相信自己直覺的人,也是很難被欺騙的人。 即便如此,與一個咄咄逼人的人打交道也會讓人感到害怕。 今天只要提醒自己,你不必被推來推去-尤其是被一個虛有其表的人(冒牌貨)。1
[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscopeIs it okay to do the right thing for the wrong reason, or the wrong thing for the right reason? You might be facing a dilemma of this kind right now, dear G emini. Your moral compass may be flying in all directions as you contemplate t he rights and wrongs of your situation. The main question you have to ask your self, however, is this: Will anyone be hurt or otherwise negatively influenced1
[情報] 10/05 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be seeking an answer from you now, dear Gemini, but you are not ye t ready to provide it. You have things to think about. You have a few things t o learn. And when you are ready, you can then share the answer you have reache d. Until then, don't allow someone to push or pressure you. Take your time fig uring this out, and recognize that you absolutely have the right to do so. If- 有許多人被他們想要的東西拒絕時,會放棄並走開。 但月之子你不是。 你頑強的性格體現在你生活的各個方面,尤其是在你的夢想方面。 你不會放棄,也不會輕易放手。 現在,你可能正在處理另一個拒絕夢想的問題,也許與你的家庭或生活方式有關。
- 如果你為了想要實現的事情而努力推進,會不會招惹到命運的挑戰?強行進行是否只會將 機會推離你,而不是實現你的願望? 親愛的月之子,當你評估自己的影響力時,這些問題可能會讓你思考。 唯一的答案是你當下那個對的感覺,因為無論是漫不經心還是積極進取的方式,在不同的 時間都可以起作用並被選擇。
- 本週一(4月3日)巨蟹座星座運勢 對於你一直在思考的問題,你內心早已經有最好的答案。 你曾向宇宙懇求這個答案,它一直在告訴你,但你一直否認它。 這可能是因為你想要的和最好的東西,和生活中其他人的想法不同。 但如果他們是錯的,而你是對的呢?