[情報] 28/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
You may be getting impatient with the need to know for certain that
something in your life is going to work out well. You have waited for a
long time already, Moonchild, and you seem to have tried most everything
on the road toward your goal. You can consider this message your assurance
that yes, you are headed toward that shimmering horizon where things can
be as you want them to be. But if you remain impatient and anxious, you
will only be working against yourself. The best way to be is centered,
balanced, and always seeking harmony with what already exists. That's
pretty good too!
[情報] 25/10/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,當你想去分享的訊息時,不要太糾結於你怎麼說。 親愛的月之子,你可能在等待完美的詞彙出現在你面前,也在等待完美的時機說出來。 但你只要傳遞的訊息是發自內心的,它就會對你產生好的效果。 你可能認為,如果你的訊息沒有完美傳遞,就不會受到歡迎。但是完美往往在於發自內心 的說話。3
[情報] 05/28 the daily horoscopeYou have the option of giving up on a goal. You always have that option Gemini , as you know. You may have grown impatient or tired of the effort. It may no longer seem worth it to you. Maybe it really isn't worth it. But if you do cho ose to give up, what will you fill that space with? If you are disappointed in something that seems to be going nowhere after a long commitment, it would be3
[情報] 06/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期日 6月 6 Cancer horoscope for 星期日 6月 6 You may need to take some time to build up your confidence before you embark o n a new goal, dear Cancer. Although this isn't really a new goal - it is one t hat you abandoned in the past. You are gaining a clearer picture of what you w3
[情報] 04/11/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,現在看起來好像全世界都在反對你。 在你目前的心態下,這對你來說可能是一個非常強大的確定性,你甚至可以用你相信這是 真的的例子來支持這一點。 你可能正在經歷一段艱難的時期,但這只是你漫長道路上的一條路。 事實上,它實際上可能是一條很短的路,而你正接近道路上的彎道,在那裡事情將開始為3
[情報] 25/01/2022 Daily Horoscope今天你不需要成為擁有超能力的超級英雄來幫助自己。 月之子,你可以自己來救自己,不需要任何東西。 你可能認為需要一個奇蹟來扭轉你生活中的一些事情,但你有所有需要的東西。 雖然你可能不這麼想,因為你認為這樣做需要巨大的努力,但它不需要的。 只要你對自己和這個過程保持耐心和毅力,一次一個小動作就能做到。1
[情報] 08/08 the daily horoscopeA work or certain contractual situation may not represent your ideal, Gemini. You may be seeking to start over or to radically change something in one of th ese categories to make it better. That change may not happen now, and the star s are inspiring you to explore your status more thoroughly. There may be many good things here that you have overlooked or don't understand completely enoug1
[情報] 01/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have to stir the pot up a bit to get something done that needs to be done. You aren't fond of the drama or any potential conflict that may ensue, so you have to try to see this as a means to an end. If you concentrate on the goal you are reaching for and acknowledge to yourself that this is the only path to get there, it will be much easier to endure. In the meantime, think1
[情報] 12/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期日 9月 12日 You can't have something you want right now. That may be the last thing you wa nted to hear, Cancer. After all, you have worked so hard and had faith for so long that it seems unfair to be reading this message right now. But you have t o have faith. If you have not attained a certain goal despite your tenacious a1
[情報] 13/04/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,宇宙鼓勵你努力的工作,去容忍一個你覺得無法忍受的人。 月之子,這個人的方式可能會讓你發瘋,他們現在的滑稽行為可能特別難以忽視。 無論如何你都要去嘗試。 這對自己來說是一個良好的耐心練習,也是對方可以學習的仁慈和寬容的好例子。 你可能會發現,如果你每次和這個人出現類似的狀況時都這樣做,那麼這種情況會少得多1
[情報] 09/05 the daily horoscopeThe road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the road to happiness is also paved that way. You set out with good intentions and good plans, and s ometimes they work out - and sometimes they don't. A recent debacle is not an indication that you are going in the wrong direction, Gemini. One mistake does not mean you are doomed to future mistakes. You are headed in the right direc