[情報] 27/04/2021 Daily Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 27/04/2021 Daily Horoscope作者
(Lemon Tree)
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:0

Parents teach their children early on about sharing, or at least they should.It can be a hard lesson to learn when a child is someone's spoiled little
darling, often rewarded just for being cute. The idea of sharing what could beall yours can be hard to grasp. You may be discovering that an adult in your
life has never fully learned that lesson, Moonchild. They may not want to sharethe stage or the credit for something you put a lot of effort into, and that
may sting. But don't worry. Your stellar contribution is becoming more obviousby the minute. You will be noticed.



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imyung04/26 23:58謝謝翻譯

maple15081404/27 00:04謝謝翻譯,現在正在經營東西,互動數低到幾乎都是0

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frantician04/27 14:10m大在經營什麼呀

aa85720tw04/27 14:48at least在這邊翻成「至少」可能比最終好?


※ 編輯: onlyloveyou ( 臺灣), 04/27/2021 16:01:38