[情報] 27/04/2021 Daily Horoscope
Parents teach their children early on about sharing, or at least they should.It can be a hard lesson to learn when a child is someone's spoiled little
darling, often rewarded just for being cute. The idea of sharing what could beall yours can be hard to grasp. You may be discovering that an adult in your
life has never fully learned that lesson, Moonchild. They may not want to sharethe stage or the credit for something you put a lot of effort into, and that
may sting. But don't worry. Your stellar contribution is becoming more obviousby the minute. You will be noticed.
at least在這邊翻成「至少」可能比最終好?
※ 編輯: onlyloveyou ( 臺灣), 04/27/2021 16:01:388
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/26你需要對現在正在經歷的挑戰心存感激。或許你很難產生這樣的想法,但這是必須的,阿 牛。你可能會想知道這個困境有什麼好感謝的,但它已經使你內心的某些部分產生改變, 而那些改變會讓你往後的人生更加美好。 有件一直在你人生中不斷重複的錯誤,你對此感到焦慮,而你終於學到了教訓。你不僅要 對這個教訓心存感激,還要大聲的說出來,這個時候已經到了。做完這件事後,你就能將5
[情報] 10/14 the daily horoscopeNo matter how old you are, Gemini, you may be grasping the idea that it is too late for something you hoped for. It may seem that you have gone past the poi nt of ever having the life you idealized and envisioned. But no matter what yo u have done or been through, it is not too late. If you are feeling as though you screwed something up, then learn the lesson and move past it. That's a mai4
[情報] 25/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeAn opportunity to learn something that is new to you could seem like a lot of fun, Moonchild, but what you may not yet see is that it could also connect you to a new job or a new business venture. You may feel bored with what you are doing now to earn a living, or you may feel stalled with some goal you have begun that has not panned out as planned, but if you go4
[情報] 01/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeJust because you choose not to share an important idea or creative effort with someone who is asking to see it, does not mean that you are selfish or distrustful. You owe it to yourself to protect your work until you feel the moment is right to reveal it. You are not necessarily a secretive person, Moonchild, but you have learned the value of keeping a good idea2
[情報] 15/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你一直在努力工作、制定戰略、集思廣益並創造出色的作品,希望能被注意到。 然而,即使這可能已經持續了很長時間,月之子你還沒有得到你認為應得的關注或者利潤 、獎勵。 從今天開始,應該開始看到人們注意到你,包括擁有你需要的那種影響力的人。 振作起來,知道你終於走上了正確的道路。2
[情報] 13/01/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能會用羨慕的眼光看待別人的生活。 這並不是說你不為那些努力工作並取得他們想要的東西的人感到高興。它更多的是想知道 為什麼你所有的專注努力和辛勤工作都沒有接近同樣的成功水平。 但是月之子,我們都在自己的時間裡綻放,有時最大的機會並不在早期出現。 這讓你有機會發展智慧,真正欣賞那些美麗的禮物。2
[情報] 12/04/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你可能為了某件事情付出了很多努力,但似乎沒有任何進展。 發生這樣的事情自然是會沮喪,而且不明白為什麼自己似乎不能讓事情有進展,似乎沒辦 法抓住一個關鍵。 但也許這就是關鍵-也許是你不能開始,因為你還有其他事情需要先完成。 你可能已經擱置了一項努力,畢竟它現在變得太難或太令人失望了。2
[情報] 20/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你即將經歷的一個幸運的突破口,這與運氣完全無關。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說很重要,因為你經常把你在生活中經歷的好事歸咎為隨機的幸 運。 現在的情況完全不是這樣。 你在過去做了那麼多美好的事情才走到這一步。1
[情報] 16/03/2022 Daily Horoscope某人每次講的故事都會向不同的方向發展或變得更大。 這自然可能是一個喜歡誇張的人,月之子,所以要不斷提醒自己。 牢記這一點可能很難,因為很容易相信你所聽到的,但今天很可能有人會用不正確的信息 把你引向錯誤的道路,即使他們是無意的。 你今天的課題就是把你知道的東西和你聽到的東西分開。- Hopefully, most of the people in your life know the difference between right a nd wrong. After all, Gemini, this is a lesson we begin to learn as children. B ut this can be a lifelong process. Sometimes we have revelations based on the experiences we have. But we can be insensitive to right and wrong. For example , someone with a parent who is sarcastic might not learn right away that being