[情報] 27/05/2021 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期四 5月 27
Cancer horoscope for 星期四 5月 27
You could certainly push a plan through faster if you wanted to. You could rush through each step and still get to where you are going without much trouble. But if you did, you would not have the chance to savor the experience, Moonchild, or perhaps even learn something new along the way. You would be more preoccupied with getting from point A to point B, and there would be no time for much else. You are encouraged to slow down today and live in the moment as youwork through your tasks and plans. You'll gain so much more that way.
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月之子 ,你會專注於如何從A點達到B點,而沒有時間去做其他事情,而而導致這路途上你沒辦法學習到新的東西。
月亮已經指引你了 反正都趕不完!!
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/04不只要乘興而行,阿牛,也要盡興而返。今天記得這句話。你又急又那麼匆忙地想要到達某個地方,卻完全忘記在出發點及目標之間之路途上的美好。有那麼多值得一看,值得學習和體驗的事物。時候到了你自然會抵達終點。但是,在你努力向前行時,試著去注意沿路上的所有風景吧。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Aug 4 It's not just about the destination, Taurus. It is also about the journey. That is an adage to keep in mind today. You may be hustling so fast and so hard to get to a certain point that you are forgetting all about the loveliness that exists on the way between your point of origin and your goal. There is so much to see, learn, and experience. You will get there when you get there. But as you strive ahead, try to notice all the scenery along the way. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/28你不可能跳過辛苦的付出到更美好或輕鬆的一部分。這就是為什麼努力是多麼重要。你的辛勞正帶領著你到心之所向,阿牛,而今天你應該把自己的付出當作像一台時光機一樣的載體來抵達目的地。勝券在望,你只需要確保自己在付出時夠堅持,你就能抵達終點。如果你從這個角度去看待你所做的,那麼你所投入的時間將會像一個旅程,你也會從中學習並更珍惜它的。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jun 28 You cannot leap ahead in time to the better or more pleasant part of an endeavor. That's why hard work is so important. Your hard work is taking you to where you want to be, Taurus, and today you need to think of your efforts to reach a goal as that time machine. The reward is there - you just need to make sure you are persistent in your efforts, and you will get there. If you think of what you do in these terms, the time you invest will be much like a journey, and you will learn from it and appreciate it so much more. --1
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 6 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 6 Usually, Gemini, a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. But today, you might have to consider the obstacles that might lie along a str aight line that lies between you and something you want or need. Expediency is1
[情報] 04/16 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 4月 16 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 4月 16 Someone in your life may try comparing "apples and oranges" as an argument ove r some plan of yours that they don't like. You can try to explain why this is not a fair comparison until you run out of breath, but that may not matter. Wh1
[情報] 10/22 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 10月 22 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 10月 22 You move quickly very naturally, Gemini. This is not your studied and well-con sidered response - this is just what is in your nature. You have an agile mind , and you think on your feet. But you may be developing something now that des1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/22是不是今天一開始就覺得心情像是坐雲霄飛車一樣?與其抵抗它,不如順著它吧,阿牛。在你心裡有很多事情需要釐清。去感受那些與心裡的念頭有關的情緒會對你很有幫助,使你去了解到你真正想要和需要什麼。如果你順著這些情緒,應該就有辦法解決一兩個牽絆著你的麻煩,然後你就能再次感到輕鬆多了。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 22 You may experience a roller coaster of emotions from very early on today. Instead of fighting it, just roll with it, Taurus. There are things you need to work through in your mind. Feeling the emotions that are attached to those thoughts will be helpful for you, enabling you to figure out what you really want and need. If you roll with those feelings, you should be able to work through a problem or two that has been holding you back, and then you should feel much lighter once again. - Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07親愛的月之子,你打算怎麼度過你的這一天呢?這似乎是個常常在隨意閒聊中出現的輕鬆 問題。但它現在對你有更勝於閒聊的重大意義。去堅定、充滿信念的計畫你的一天,解決 對你來說緊迫且重要的事。 當你能尤為困難的堅持,帶著激情、熱忱和過上你夢想生活的意念去實行。以這種方式開 始的每一天,都將對你的幸福和成功帶來富有意義的影響。- Gemini horoscope for 星期一 5月 4 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 5月 4 You can see flaws in a plan that no one else can see, Gemini. That does not ma ke you a pessimist, as some might say, if you point out those flaws. But the t one you use to express what you can see will make a huge difference in how you