[情報] 22/06/2021Daily Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 22/06/2021Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

you are as tenacious as the crab for which your sign is named, dear Cancer. Yet there is something you have long believed in that you were recently starting to think would never happen. You may have even resigned yourself to decidingto be happy, nonetheless. But now there seems to be some hope on the horizon.Something has happened or will happen very soon to renew your faith and your intrepid spirit. Although it may still be a bit rocky before you reach the potof gold on the other side of that rainbow, it is glowing, and its promise cankeep you going.



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akane7406/22 11:01希望我想要的結果真的可以實現

imyung06/22 20:09謝謝翻譯