[情報] 21/06~27/06/2021 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 21/06~27/06/2021 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:0

Since you may be staying close to home quite a lot this week, this is an excellent time to catch up on any repairs that are needed in your abode, or it maybe time to do some organizing and decluttering. You might as well make your home a space as desirable and comfortable as it can be. Cancer is the sign of the home and the hearth, and it is almost always your favorite place to be. There could be some good news coming to you related to your home too, either in the form of money or physical help to get something done that will make your place even homier. Romance may be on your mind right now, Moonchild. You may be thinking about a significant other with very warm feelings, or you might be longing for a new love. Either way, love is in the air for you now. There may not be any big changes right away, but the spark of something special is beginning to happen for you. There may also be a change brewing where your career or business is concerned, but it may be worrisome. However, what you expect to happen will actually open up some wonderful new possibilities that you were not expecting, so you should anticipate good things.






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ryh564506/22 11:59謝謝翻譯,保重身體

starwillow06/22 14:09謝謝您的翻譯,祝早日康復~身體健康最重要

gn0233209306/22 23:36保重身體多休息喔!

aa85720tw06/23 07:30祝身體健康、早日康復!

loveorangel06/23 09:36謝謝翻譯,保重身體喔

imyung06/23 10:06謝謝翻譯~早日康復!

sdes723706/23 10:29謝謝翻譯,要好好保重喔

diashly06/23 12:25謝謝翻譯,祝早日康復

Macu8506/23 16:17謝謝

akane7406/23 17:57謝謝翻譯,身體保重阿